~ Forty Five ~

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Friday 17th January 2020

The past two weeks have flown by, my life being full of tasks that need completing but forever feeling like there isn't enough hours in the day to complete them. Cormac didn't want to go back to school, I've struggled with making new content that I think my viewers will enjoy and I feel like I haven't spent enough time with Harry. But then again, his schedule hasn't been that open either, with filming for the Sidemen channels being back in full swing. He has also been helping Chris out with some filming too.

Thankfully, today has started off well. Cor was up and ready for school in record time, he ate all of his breakfast plus an extra bowl of cereal and we got to school with ten minutes to spare. Something that doesn't happen very often. I then came home, tidied the kitchen, living room and play room, filming as I went so I at least have some footage to put out this week. Then I went upstairs to my office with a plate of food for my lunch. Which is where I am currently sat, glasses on, a cup of tea in one hand, and a discarded plate of food next to the keyboard. Another day of editing the vlog and answering emails, with two hours still to go before I have to pick Cormac up from school.

I skimmed through the footage from the previous week, seeing that it is mostly myself cooking, cleaning and in meetings for work related stuff. So I should probably get some footage of myself and Cormac at some point today, or over the weekend. Whilst thinking of activities to do, my phone pinged at my side, the screen lighting up with a message from Harper.



Hi babes, the girls are at their dads this weekend.

A shock, I know! Any chance we can re sched sunday? 

Liam wants to take me away for the weekend... xx

I smiled at the message, happy that Harper is being treated like the absolute queen she is, and is getting to enjoy a child free weekend to spend with Liam. A once in a blue moon situation for them. 



Of course! Enjoy it whilst you can girl! Moments

like these don't come around often. Did he say where

he will be taking you? Hope you have the best time xx

With a soft sigh I put my phone back down to the side, now not quite sure on how to fill our sunday afternoon/evening. Having a little think, I decide to invite Phe, Noah and Oliver around for Sunday Dinner instead, spend some family time with them, which we haven't really been able to do since christmas, even if I have spoke to Phe nearly every day over the phone. I pick up my phone again, shooting her a quick text before getting back to editing.

Before I know it, two hours has past , my phone alarm is blaring alerting me that it's time to pick up Cormac from school. Saving my progress so far, I take off my glasses, pick up my phone and make my way down stairs.


Six minutes over the time Cormac is supposed to finish, and his class are finally starting to pile out of their classroom and into the school yard. Cormac pops his head around the door frame, his eyes scanning the yard to find me, a huge smile making its way onto his face as soon as his eyes catch mine. A sight I will never get tired of.

He comes running towards me, his coat hood hooked over his head, floating behind him like a cape. The cold weather seemingly not being an issue for him. Whereas I'm covered up with multiple layers to keep myself warm. The british weather being true to the weather mans word. It's a cold one today.

"Hey sweetie, pop your coat on properly for me, I don't want you getting sick."

"But it's not cold though..." with just one look, the one that all parents have perfected that says "cut the shit and just do it" without ever having to open their mouth, has him slipping his arms through the sleeves, after having passed his bookbag over to me.

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