Heartbreak Anniversary

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I scrolled through the pictures on my phone. First me and him at his place, then me and him at my place. Then my head on his chest on the abandoned car in the middle of some forest at 2am.

His honey brown eyes stared back at me, his arms around my neck as he smiled for the photo. His smile spoke a million words.

I'd kill to see that smile again.

"You good, Miss?"

I quickly turned around to see a man standing behind me. I didn't even realised I was crying till he pointed to my face. Humiliated, I wiped the tears away from my face, nodding my head.

He had messy blonde hair which complimented his green eyes as they stared at me. He was taller than me, probably the same height as Hendrix.

"You don't look too good" he said, taking a seat next to me. I rolled my eyes internally, hoping he'd leave.

"I'm fine" I said firmly. He gestured to the bartender for drinks before looking back at me. I slid my phone in my purse, it was a bad idea to leave the house.

"You're crying in a club" he said "that's never a good sign, in my opinion"

I glared at him, standing up and slinging my purse over my shoulder "no one asked for your opinion"

"I'm sorry" he said, holding up a hand "I could use some company though?". I looked at my phone, it was barely 10pm. I sighed and sat back down as he handed me a glass of water. I wasn't planning on drinking the hard stuff tonight.

"Here, drink this" he said, handing it to me. My eyes went a little wide as I looked at the glass of water.

"Here, drink this ma" he said, placing the glass in front of me on the table. He knew better than to give it to me when my hands were shaking. He kneeled down in front of me, staring up at me.

I burst into tears, pushing the glass of water of away from me as the man looked at me in confusion.

"I can't do it anymore" I cried, running out the club. He ran after me, leaving money on the bar for the drinks. I ran outside, the cold night air hitting my face as I tried to catch my breath.

Deep breaths, Trix

I sunk to the ground, feeling my chest ache as I cried over him. I never wanted to forget his voice.

"Hey!" shouted the man, joining me. He looked around us before sitting next to me "you just left, what happened?"

I wiped my eyes, looking at him hopelessly. I had no idea who he was, he was a stranger. A stranger who knew nothing about me. Knew no previous events to judge me for.

"I lost him" I whispered, my voice cracking as I felt tears falling down my face. He looked at me, so confused but I didn't blame him.

"Ohh" he said, his hand on his heart "you're heartbroken, I'm so sorry"

"It's fine" I said dryly, standing up "he's probably forgotten about me by now anyway"


There was a small smile as my finger hovered above her face. It was the picture we took in the mirror when she applied a face mask on me. Me, her and Daisy. All three of us with beaming smiles.

"Deadass looking like a family" she said, setting Daisy down beside the sink so she could take her face mask off. I smiled as I turned my phone off, leaning on the counter and admiring her.

"Would that be so bad?" I asked, watching her fight a smile as she refused to look at me.

"Ask me again in five years"

I felt my eyes heating up as I turned my phone off. All I could hear was her voice, telling me to calm down. Telling me that it was all okay. But it wasn't. I had to face it.

I wouldn't be able to ask her in five years.

"Can I get you anything?"

I looked up to see a bartender looking at me. I'd been sitting here for an hour, almost as if I was waiting for her to show up with that smile.

"No, I'm sorry" I said, getting up and walking out the club. I passed the private room I took her too all those months ago.

"You know you're gonna have to-"

"Put it on my tab" I said, waving a hand at the bartender as Trixie adjusted her position on my lap. I couldn't get enough of her, she was so perfect.

She smirked at me, leaning down to kiss my lips. I could taste the alcohol on her lips but it only drew me on even more.

"As you should" she said, breaking the kiss with the same smirk on her face.

"Fuck!" I shouted, getting into my car. I started the engine but something caught my eye. I looked over to the passenger door and saw a baby blue fabric in the door. I narrowed my eyes and reached over, immediately recognising that it was one of Trixie's scrunchies.

"Come home, baby" I whispered, kissing it softly and placing it in my pocket. It even smelled like her, I didn't even know how but it did. The tears started spilling from my eyes as I started the engine.

I looked at my phone but there was nothing from her. What did I expect? She'd probably found someone else. The date flashed up on my screen.


I let out a small sob as I realised it was today. Exactly one year since we parted ways, breaking each other's hearts. Today was our heartbreak anniversary.

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