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I kept my hands on the steering wheel, squinting as I looked forward into the darkness. I'd been driving for hours now, trying to find Daisy.

I hadn't allowed Trixie to come, she was too panicky and for this I had to stay calm. Luckily, Mattia and Liv had gotten home so it was 3 against 1.

My phone started ringing and I saw Carlos' name. Then it dawned on me. He hadn't spoken to me at all when Daisy had gone missing. And there was only one reason for that. I pulled over on the side of the road, raising the phone to my ear.

"Where is she!?" I screamed, hearing an engine on the other side of the call.

"Calm down, brother" he said "say your goodbyes"

My heart dropped as the phone was handed to someone else in the car. I heard crying as well as a gun clicking and wished I could put a bullet through his head right now.


My whole heart ached when Daisy's trembling voice travelled through the phone. I felt my eyes heating up but calmed myself down.

"Hey D, I love you"

"I wanna go home, Hendrix" she said, beginning to cry again. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and quickly wiped it away with the back of my hand.

"You're gonna be home soon, baby I promise"

"Okay, I love-"

The call was cut. The excruciating sound went through the phone, making me slam my fists onto my steering wheel. I started my car again, driving off into the night in hopes that I'd see their car since I now knew they were driving.


I made out a black BMW- gran coupe in my rear view mirror. I recognised the registration plate in a second. My fucking brother. He sped past me, I saw his face in the passenger with a soldier driving the car. The back windows were tinted but I could've sworn I saw Daisy's little face despite the darkness.

"Carlos!" I yelled, putting window down as our cars lined up together. But he flicked me off, his soldier putting his foot down so they sped in front of us.

He wanted me to slam into the side of him but I knew that would only hurt Daisy.

A motherfucker thought I was stupid.

"Hold on, D" I muttered under my breath, opening my window and keeping a hand on the wheel as I aimed my shot, closing an eye.

The first bullet landed in the back right wheel, I slammed on the brakes as their car suddenly began to swerve from side to side.

I looked below the highway to see the ocean flowing calmly. It made my stomach turn with anxiety.

His soldier stopped the car and I realised what was happening. I got out my car, immediately starting to fire bullets. I killed the soldier with one bullet to his forehead.

"It's just me and you, Carlos" I shouted "come and fight me for real this time"

I held my breath as his car door opened. He stepped out, a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his black hair messy and in front of his eyes. I was ashamed to call him my brother.

"Fuck you, Hendrix"

"Real mature" I said "now hand over my sister"

"She's my sister too" he argued, taking a step towards me, his brows furrowing as he held onto the gun in his hand. But he didn't phase me.

"No brother would put their sister through what you did, Carlos" I spat, watching him raise his gun at me.

"I'm still older-"

"Just do it!" I yelled, cutting him off "fucking shoot me already, every single time you always raise the gun but you never shoot me, you know why?"

"What the fuck.."

"It's cause you're a bitch, Carlos" I said "you will always be in my shadow because you are a fucking failure. To me, to Daisy and to my fucking mafia"

"Your mafia?" he scoffed but deep down I knew I'd cut him in a bad, bad way.

"My mafia" I repeated "cause I'm the only one around here who actually gives a fuck about our family name and doesn't want to put our next in line in fucking danger"

I gestured towards Daisy as he shook his head, his hands shaking as he walked towards the car.

He pulled open the backseat door.

I watched as Daisy got out the car, confused and startled until she turned around and saw me. She let out a little squeal as she began to run towards me, arms open wide as I kneeled down, a tear falling from my eye as her tiny body fell into mine.

She nuzzled her little head in my neck, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and breathing fast as the adrenaline rushed through her. I held her tightly, never wanting to let her go again.

"Get in the car, D" I whispered, kissing her face multiple times as she nodded, walking past me and into the backseat.

I breathed a sigh of relief, standing up again to see Carlos standing in front of me, a few metres away.

"I'm done here" he said, his bottom lip trembling as he stared down at the gun in the palm of his hand. I narrowed my eyes at him as he looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, brother"


"I've wronged you over and over. I love you with my all but this has gone on too long"

"Carlos what are you.."

"I need to leave in order for you to be successful, I'll forever be causing trouble, ruining lives and only ever creating more problems"

"Don't say that, Carlos, I didn't mean-"

"When, in fact, I am the problem" He raised the gun to his head as I felt my stomach drop. I began to run towards him but it felt as if something was pulling me back, some kind of gravitational force, a force we couldn't reckon with.


"Goodbye brother"

The gunshot silenced me. Silenced the world. It was as if time had stopped as his soul floated away to another place. I knew he had demons, we all do.

It was a great misfortune that in this situation, they had conquered my brother.

In another life, we would reunite.

Never The SameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora