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My eyes flickered open as sunlight hit my eyes. A soft breeze went over my body as I looked up to see clouds floating above. Clouds?

I sat up quickly, realising I was lying on a rooftop. My jaw dropped open and my eyes almost popped outta my head as I looked down and saw Liv lying next me, sound asleep.

She was lying on her stomach, shirtless so her back was exposed. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to remember what the fuck happened last night.

"How the fuck..."

I noticed four empty bottles of alcohol near us as I swallowed, my throat going dry.

I could hear the traffic below us, I didn't even know what time it was. Our clothing were lying around us, sprawled everywhere. I reached over, gently shaking her awake.

"What?" she mumbled, her words slurred as she rubbed her eyes with her palms.

"Wake up, Liv" I said, bracing myself for when she woke up and realised. I watched her facial expression turn to horror as she took it all in.

"What the fuck!?" she yelled, standing up. But I grabbed her body and pulled her back down before anyone in the buildings opposite saw us.

"I'm fucking naked, get off-"

"And it's nothing I haven't seen before" I said, holding her down and grabbing my shirt to cover her quickly. She rolled her eyes at me, snatching the shirt and covering herself up as I put my pants on.

"What the fuck happened last night?" she asked, looking at me angrily.

"Your guess is as good as mine"

I put on my blazer which I couldn't remember wearing anyway. Liv had my shirt on so I was shirtless under the black blazer with a pair of black dress pants and black loafers. Dress pants?

Seriously, what the fuck happened last night?

"I need-"

She stopped speaking as she looked at me, her eyes travelling up and down my outfit as I felt myself smirking at her.

"What do you need, Olivia Polibio?"

"It's West" she said, narrowing her eyes at me as she pulled on a black skirt. I laughed softly, walking past her and lightly tapping her ass.

"Not for long" 



Hendrix looked at me as my hand flew to my mouth. I shook my head and cut the call, sighing as I leaned against the headrest.

"Do I even wanna know?"

I looked at him as he kept one hand on the wheel and placed the other on my thigh.

"My parents, they slept with each other last night"

"Oh shit" he said, laughing quietly as we came to a red light "at least someone's getting action"

"What?" I asked, looking over at him as we stopped outside of my house.

"Babe, I was kidding"

"No it's not fucking funny, how are you joking about all this when we still haven't found Daisy? And if that's not bad enough, my parents think having sex is more priority"

"Calm down, Trix-"

"No don't fucking tell me to calm down" I said, becoming annoyed "it's almost as if I'm the only one who actually gives a shit about-"

"Shut the fuck up"

His voice was low and firm. The expression with the voice was enough to silence me completely.

"Just because I'm laughing with you doesn't mean I'm not losing my fucking mind" he said "so don't you dare, for a second, doubt me like that. Ever again, you understand me?"

I sighed, looking down as my eyes became glassy. I didn't expect it but I guess it was building up from all the arguing we'd been doing these past few days.

"Okay" I whispered. There was a few seconds of silence before I took my own initiative and got out the car. I wiped my eyes as I unlocked my front door, hearing his engine starting.

Daisy going missing was ruining our lives.

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