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I walked into the living room with a large bowl of butter flavoured popcorn in my hands.

Mom and Dad were sat together on the couch, his arm around her waist and her head on his shoulder. It was still early days, according to Mom but they'd be okay. Mom just never liked to rush things, especially when it came to her marriage.

"You good, honey?"

I nodded at Dad, taking my seat on the couch next to them and pulling out my phone as the movie played. I was still struggling to communicate properly with Dad after it'd all happened. 

I wanted to forgive him but at the same time I wanted to hurt him the way he hurt us.

But us living together made all my effort futile. He'd tried to make it up to me by being nice to Hendrix. I guess that was all I'd ever really wanted. He hadn't accepted him yet but he was no longer hating him.

Hendrix's family were now living back in Jersey with him. He didn't want to give the house back to them but he had no choice. He'd never had a choice.

My phone vibrated in my lap and I looked down at the screen to see Hendrix's name flash up.

Hendrix: I'm coming over

My eyes grew slightly wide at his blunt tone as I quickly wiped my hands with a tissue so I could reply to him.

Me: You can't right now, I'm with the parents

Hendrix: I really don't care babe

Me: Hendrix don't

Hendrix: Too late

I sighed as I quickly placed the bowl on the coffee table. Mom and Dad looked at me suspiciously and I thought up a white lie in the nick of time.

"I forgot my AirPods in my room" I said. They both dismissed it and went back to the movie as I walked out the room. As soon as I'd closed the door, I ran upstairs to my room to see Hendrix standing on the rooftop below my window. I shook my head as I felt a small smile growing on my face.

"Open up, baby!" he called, lightly tapping on the window. I laughed and ran to my closet to get one of his hoodies before opening the window.

He climbed into my room, dripping from the rain outside. I pulled his t-shirt off him, proving harder than I thought since it was practically stuck to him. He grabbed a towel and dried himself off, placing his hoodie that I gave him on my bed.

"You're soaked, Hendrix" I said, watching him run his hands through his wet hair "out of all the days to do this, you do it when it's raining"

"Yeah" he said, looking at me "cause I can do this"

He grabbed my waist and buried his head in my neck, causing the rim of my hoodie to become wet. I squealed loudly as his hands travelled underneath my clothes and his ice cold hands pressed against my upper back.

"Fuck you" I groaned, pulling away from him. He laughed and walked into my bathroom, fixing his hair. I walked in behind him, admiring him.

"I'm sorry, I just had to see you again" he said, coming over to me and placing his hands on my knees. He spread my legs apart and stood between them as I wrapped them around his waist.

"Understandable, I tend to have that effect" I said, batting my eyelashes as I flicked my hair back.

"Shut up, dumbass" he chuckled, leaning in and kissing my lips softly. I pulled away and hopped off the counter and he walked out with me. He got into my bed, making himself comfortable as I folded my arms, raising my eyebrows with a grin.

"I'm gonna take a nap, go finish your little movie"

I watched him close his eyes with a smile on his face and quietly walked out the room, feeling a sense of warmth growing inside of me.

"You took your time" said Dad as I walked back into the living room.

"The smile" said Mom, smirking at me as I realised I was grinning from ear to ear. I stuttered as I tried to form a sentence but failed miserably. I looked down at my hands to notice I hadn't even got my AirPods.

"I'll be right back" I said quickly, running upstairs again. I burst into my bedroom to see Hendrix fast asleep in my bed. I pulled off my hoodie, leaving me in a black sports bra and his shorts. Without letting another second pass, I crawled into bed next to him.

"Hey" he mumbled, placing two arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I smiled, resting my head on his chest as his breathing became heavy again. I traced circles on his chest as I became content.

Everything was perfect. Almost too perfect.

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