In My Head

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I walked into the house, knowing exactly what to expect. I held my gun in front of me, kicking open each door as I passed it until I saw someone.

"What happened?" I asked, walking into a room. Mom was sitting in the middle of the floor, crying. Carlos was lying still with a knife in his thigh. He looked up at me desperately and so did Mom.

"Which one of you shot Trixie?" I asked, looking at them both. Mom looked at Carlos who avoided eye contact "go get the first aid box". Mom nodded, giving me a grateful look before walking out the room. I walked over to Carlos, he gave me a small smile.

"I'm glad you came to your senses" he said, sitting up a little. I placed a hand on his shoulder, slowly making him lie down again.

"So am I" I said "try not to move too much"

"It's so painful" he said, taking a deep breath. He looked down at the knife then back at me. I pressed my lips together looking at the knife.

"First rule of first aid?" I said "never remove the weapon". He nodded as I placed my hand on the knife. I pushed down on it, watching Carlos squirm as it became increasingly painful.

"What the fuck" he groaned. I laughed softly to myself and stopped applying pressure.

"Why'd you shoot my girlfriend, Carlos?"

"Cause she's a-"

"I'd choose your next words very wisely" I said, slightly pulling the knife out, watching blood pour out as Carlos let out a sob.

"Please, Hendrix" he begged "please don't, I'll die"


I pulled the knife out in one swift motion, his screams piercing my ears as blood spouted out his upper thigh.

"Don't go near Trixie again and we won't have a problem" I said, raising the knife and stabbing it directly into his diaphragm. I wanted to kill him, but I also wanted to leave him suffering. I chose the latter.

"Hendrix.." he gasped, blood streaming out of his mouth as he tried to speak. Mom ran in with a first aid box, covering her mouth when she saw him.

"You.." I said "didn't you try to stab Trixie?"

She stuttered, walking backwards as I raised my gun. I shot her in the chest, watching her drop near Carlos. I couldn't tell if I'd hit her heart or not. Either way, I didn't care.

"If I ever catch you both near Trixie again, I won't let you live through whatever I do"

I left the room, seeing Dad sitting in the hallway with a cigarette between his lips. He gave me a small nod before throwing my car keys at me.

"Get outta here, son"

I didn't say anything to him, there was nothing left for me in this broken family.


I screamed at the top of my lungs as the nurse took the bullet out, dropping it into a metal tray.

You're so dramatic, Trix.

"No, I can't do it!" I shouted, feeling my eyes heat up as I tried to push Lenny's voice out of my head. Dad walked into the wing, holding onto my hand as the nurse started stitching me up.

"Hurry the fuck up" I cried, throwing my head back because of the pain.

My pain tolerance is so much better than yours.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, looking around the room. Dad looked at me as if I was going crazy, I probably was at this point.

No, fuck you. That was mean.

"What the fuckkk" I groaned, dropping my head back onto the bed.

I'm dead and you still can't be nice to me?

"Get the fuck outta my head!"

Shut up, this is the most fun I've had in a long time.

"Trixie!" exclaimed Dad, shaking me slightly. I looked at him as Lenny's voice disappeared as fast as it had arrived.


I sighed, standing up and walking out the room after Trixie's unpleasant episode.


I looked in front of me to see Daisy sitting on the stairs outside the nurse's ward. I wanted to go check on Liv but something told me I should stay.

"Hi Daisy" I said, taking a seat next to her. She looked up at me with a small frown.

"Can we go get my iPad now?"


"My iPad, it's at Josie's house" she explained. I had no idea who Josie was but she seemed adamant. Reluctantly, I stood up and grabbed my car keys.

"Yay!" she squealed, grabbing my hand and running towards the door.

My eyes softened as she reminded me of Trixie when she was a younger girl. When Levi would get jealous because we'd give her attention.

When times were so much more simpler than they were now.

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