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I heard a door slam from above me, making me almost jump outta my skin. I must've been sleeping as I winced, my eyes adjusting to the bright lights.

I looked around me which was difficult considering I was tied to a wooden chair. I sighed, throwing my head back as the door opened. Carlos walked in with a pocketknife, flashing me a smile. I rolled my eyes as he untied the ropes around my hand.

"Do you have a death wish?" I asked him. He ignored me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

"Ow!" I shouted, dropping down onto a knee. I looked at my leg which still had the bullet in it. He sighed dramatically and walked over to get a first aid box. I reached out it but he threw it at me, catching my wrist. I bit the inside of my cheek as my wrist started to hurt.

"Hurry the fuck up" he said, leaning against the wall and watching me. I wrapped a bandage around my leg, I didn't have time to take the bullet out.

"You ever wonder why Hendrix doesn't like you?" I asked him, getting out the bandage tape.

"I honestly don't care" he said, flicking the knife repeatedly.

"Really? He's your only brother" I said "he's your blood and so is Daisy, how can you not care about them?"

"Shut the fuck up" he said, walking over to me and lifting me up. I could only manage a limp, it was even harder without crutches.

We entered the hallway to see Daisy, covered head to toe in flour. Her eyes dropped to the bandage around my leg and then travelled up the dress that I was wearing.

"Trixie?" she walked inside but Carlos dragged me upstairs before I could say anything. I heard Daisy crying downstairs andand tried not to punch Carlos.


I woke up in Trixie's bed, reaching out for her but then I remembered everything that'd happened the night before. There was a knock at the door and I quickly sat up, trying to make out like I'd had 8 hours sleep.

"Come in" I said, clearing my throat. A maid opened the door, giving me a welcoming smile.

"Mrs Polibio is asking for you in the kitchen" she said. I nodded, thanking her and getting out of bed once she'd left. I opened Trixie's wardrobe to see my hoodies.


"You wanted to see me?" I asked, walking into the kitchen to see Liv and Mattia at the table. All the butlers left the room as I saw Liv wiping her eyes.

"Has something happened?" I walked over to the table, taking a seat as Mattia showed me his phone.

"One of our soldiers caught this" he said. I watched the black and white video play, taken last night after midnight. Carlos' car pulling up in my driveway. Him getting out the car but going to the backseat to retrieve something or someone. My stomach dropped as I saw the black dress.

Something went off in me when I saw her so weak, so powerless. I was so used to seeing her with the upper hand, I wanted to throw up after seeing her like that. I wanted to take a knife and plunge it so deep into Carlos. I'd never hated anyone this much.

"Trixie" I said out loud unintentionally. My whole body tensed up as I watched her limp body in his arms. I turned off the phone, handing it back to Mattia and standing up.

"We've sent soldiers" sniffed Liv, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue "I've just never seen her like that"

"It'll be okay" I said, firmly nodding at them both as I walked out the kitchen. I grabbed my keys and left the house, attempting to contain my anger till I got to my house.


I was placed in a room, almost like a solitary, confined space. I looked around at the black walls, I guess they had a point when they said money can't  buy good taste.

"Hello, little Polibio"

I looked up to see Maria walking over to me. In a white suit with her blonde hair tied back in a bun.

"Yeah, I never liked you" I said, standing up and casually stretching arms. She didn't waste any time, getting out a knife and trying to slash my arm. But I ducked in time, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. She screamed, dropping her knife immediately.

"A mafia leader but you never learned how to fight?"

"You're just like your Mother" she said "a bitch"

I used my heel to kick her leg backwards, making her fall to the ground face first. Not giving her a second to breath, I grabbed her shirt, pulling her up to me so I could deliver a clean right hook to her jaw.

"Call me whatever you want" I said, kneeing her sharply in the chest "but don't you fucking dare talk shit about my Mother, you whore"

I heard the door fly open as Carlos grabbed me from behind, placing me in a chokehold. I gasped, tapping his arm but he only pressed harder. Maria left the room, leaving her knife in the same place she'd dropped it. I quickly grasped it, stabbing Carlos' thigh which made him scream out in agony. He let go of me and I ran out the room.

Alejandro wouldn't do anything, he never did. He was too consumed with guilt. Anyone could tell.

I ran into Daisy's room and picked her up, running towards the front door. But as I opened it, I ran into Hendrix.

"Oh my god" he said, holding my face as he looked down at my ankle. He clenched his jaw, quickly handing me his car keys.

"Go home, I'll be there soon" he said, pushing me towards his car. I leaned forward, kissing his lips with the seconds I had left before all hell broke loose. He kissed me back, pulling away instantly.

"I love you"

"I love you" he said, looking behind me and into the house. All I could see was anger but I just wanted him back with me in one piece.

I placed Daisy into the passenger and got myself behind the wheel, starting the engine.

"What's Hendrix doing?" she asked as I adjusted the mirrors. I looked in his direction to see him loading the gun in his hands.

"Just paying a visit to your other brother" I said to her, pulling out the driveway as he closed the front door.

"I don't like that guy" said Daisy, scrunching up her nose. I let out a small laugh, looking over at her.

"I don't think anyone does, D"

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