The Night Before - PART TWO

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I glared at her as she walked over to the edge of the rooftop, admiring the city as the sun began to set.

"You know, you're really fucking annoying"

I watched her laugh at my comment, leaning on her elbows as she looked at the buildings in front of us. But I wasn't in a laughing mood.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, walking over to her and standing beside her.

"I didn't like the look on his face"

"What?" my eyebrows furrowed at her words, I had no idea what she was talking about in the slightest.

"Carlos" she said "I feel like he wanted us to form an alliance and go look for Daisy. That way our attention is elsewhere- it's the perfect attack"

"That's bullshit" I said, walking over to the bottle of vodka and opening it.

"Is it? I think it sounds perfectly normal to me"

"Fuck you Liv"

I closed my eyes, downing half the bottle and wincing as the liquid burned my throat raw. I didn't even notice her walking up behind me. I felt her hands on my shoulders from behind and her lips tickling my ear.

"Then do it"

I turned around to her, facing her as her eyes flickered down to my lips.

Before I could say anything she grabbed my face, her lips crashing against mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist, smirking against her lips as she pushed me towards the railings, holding me against them as she pulled my shirt off.

"Thought you had a boyfriend" I said, catching my breath and she undid my belt. Her eyes looked up at me, narrowing slightly.

"Keyword, had"

That was all I needed. My hands flew to her dress, pulling the straps lower as her lips met mine again. I felt butterflies swarm my stomach as her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her.

Everything was so familiar.

"Holy shit" she said, pulling away as placing her hands on my chest as she looked up at me.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, looking back at her as the sunset bounced off her olive complexion.

"I fucking missed you, Mattia"

I let out a laugh as I kissed her neck, leaving several marks on her collarbone and jawline. She tilted her head to the side, giving me better access as her hands ran through my hair.

I pulled away for a second, taking in how beautiful she looked with my hickeys on her. Territory.


We both lied with our backs on the ground, staring up at the orange sky whilst we caught our breath.

"That was..."

"Just like old times, baby" I said, finishing her sentence. I looked over at her to see her cheeks red as she fought a smile.

"Shut up, Mattia" she said, stretching her arms in the air. I smiled, reaching over and wrapping my arms around her tiny waist, pulling her on top of me.

"You didn't even fight me on that" I said, staring up at her as she cupped my face with both hands.

"Yeah cause I'm in love you, you dumbass"

I felt my heart skip a beat as she said those words. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out as she laughed softly, twirling my hair round one of her fingers.


"So.." she repeated, laying her head on my chest but I was too in awe to finish the sentence. But I snapped myself back to reality, plucking up the courage to ask her.

"So we're gonna be okay?"

She looked up at me, her pupils dilating slightly as I traced her spine with my fingers.

"It was always gonna be you"

"What was, Liv?" she lowered her head, kissing my lips softly. I tasted alcohol; we were both intoxicated beyond belief and the sex had clouded our heads, turning our minds foggy. She pulled away, giving me a small smile with a hint of reassurance. 

"You're the love of my life, Mattia"

Never The SameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz