Red Lace

303 22 49


I walked into chemistry, taking a seat at the back of the class. Chase walked in, along with Vance and Lucia. I stayed quiet as they sat near me.

"You're in my seat" said Chase, standing in front of my desk.

"I didn't see your fucking name on it" I fired back. He gave me a small smirk, placing his hands on either side of the desk and leaning forwards. His face was inches away from mine, the grey eyes playing mind games with me.

"Don't test me, Polibio"

"Or what?"

"Baby, you won't be able to walk when I'm done with you" he said, leaving me slightly speechless. I leaned back in my seat as he sat next to me. Lucia turned around to face me, her eyes travelling up and down my body as she raised an eyebrow.

"Can I fucking help you?" I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"You're still as ugly as you were two years ago" she said casually, turning back around. I furrowed my brows and brushed it off, I wasn't trying to get suspended on my first day.

"Fight her"

I looked to my right to see Chase looking at me. He had a cigarette between his lips but it wasn't lit.

"Shut up" I mumbled, sighing as I checked my phone. There were no messages from Hendrix which only irritated me even more.

"Miss Polibio!"

I looked up to see the teacher walking over to me with his hand out. I sighed and gave him the phone as Chase started laughing at me.

"He has a pack of cigarettes in his bag!" I exclaimed. The teacher turned around and looked at Chase as his face dropped. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing while the teacher threw the full pack in the bin.

"Fuck you" whispered Chase.

"Do it" I whispered back, watching his face turn red.


I sat in the cafeteria with Ambrose as we ate the prison food. I pulled a face when he ate the slice of pizza.

"You like this shit?" I asked as he shook his head.

"I'm starving, what choice do I have?" he said. I sighed, leaning on my hands as I heard someone shouting behind us. I turned around to see what everyone was doing when I saw that bitch.

In a flash, there was orange juice all over Hendrix's hoodie. I looked up at her as she covered her mouth.

"I tripped!"

I nodded my head, taking the hoodie off leaving me in just a lacy red bra. Several murmurs went around the room as I stood up, walking over to where Vance was sitting.

He looked up at me with a small smirk as I sat on his lap, grabbing his face and pressing my lips against his. He placed his hands on my hips as he kissed me back with the same energy. I heard Lucia scream as everyone started taking their phones out.

"Fuck you, Trixie Polibio!" she yelled, running out the cafeteria. I pulled away from Vance, pushing his face away from me with the tips of my fingers.

"Let's go to my place" he said dreamily. I rolled my eyes, standing up and walking back over to my table. I picked up the hoodie and walked out the cafeteria, calling Hendrix to pick me up.


I felt adrenaline rushing through me as I stepped out the Uber. Kairi joined me, squeezing my shoulder in a reassuring way. I looked over at him, giving him a small smile.

"Remember" he said "you're doing this for the mafia, not for anything else"

"I know" I said "it's just been a while". I walked over to my front door, taking the keys out my pocket. Kairi took a step back and I looked at him.

"I'm gonna wait here" he said "text me when you want me to come in".

"Okay" I said. I opened the front door and the scent of alcohol slapped me across the face. I placed a hand in front of my mouth to stop myself from throwing up as I closed the front door.

"Mattia!" I called out, stepping over the broken glass in the hallway. I remembered smashing that vase when we had the argument. Just over a year ago.


I heard his voice from the kitchen and walked in to see him sitting at the table, his hand wrapped around a bottle of whiskey.

"What the fuck-"

"You came back!" he cried, running over to me with open arms. I held an arm up to stop him from coming any further.

"How long has it been since you took a shower?" I asked, looking around at all the mess "and where the fuck are the maids and butlers?"

"I fired them" he said. I glared at him, facepalming as I realised I should've expected it anyway.

"I left them with you purposely because I know how shit you are at tidying up"


"Ouch" I said. We walked over to the table and room a seat opposite each other as she scoffed.

"Ouch? You're acting as if I'm the one who cheated"

"Come on, Liv!" I said loudly, laying my palms on the table as I looked at her "you're still hung up on that?"

"Oh I'm sorry" she said "let me just forget about how you spent six months fucking another woman"

"Is that why you're here?" I said coldly "to just remind me about what I did?"

"Shut up, Mattia"

I admired her. Even when she was calling me every name under the sun. The year apart had only made me realise how much of a good thing I'd lost.

"Then why are you here?"

"Cause I'm trying to hold the reputation for the fucking mafia, which you've clearly forgotten about"

"Oh my god, shut up, Livvv" I whined, putting my head in my hands as she gave me death stares "you're irritating me, who gives a fuck about the stupid mafia?"

"Don't fucking talk to me like that, Mattia" she said. I placed my hands in front of my face, looking at her through my fingers.

"I'll talk to you however I want, ex wife"

"Fuck you" she said, standing up and walking towards the door. I started laughing and ran after her, grabbing her hand which she quickly pulled back.

I'd forgotten how smooth her skin was. How it felt against mine.

"I was joking" I said "now tell me why you're here". She sighed and looked at me, hesitating slightly at first.

"We have a fucking mafia ball to attend"

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