No Sudden Moves

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I stood behind the bedroom door, holding my gun beside my head as I waited for the target to get into position. I took a peek through the door to see a little girl walking upstairs.

She was around Daisy's age, short blonde hair. This sick man used his own child as bait?

I held my breath and looked around before opening the door to pull her to safety. But the sound in my earpiece pulled back, Carlos yelling something from outside about stay back. I glanced out the window to see him sitting in a car with a sniper. He pointed at the girl, alarm on his face.

I looked back at her to see a bomb strapped to her dress. My heart dropped to my stomach as I felt the hairs on my arms rise. Any sudden moves and we'd all be dead.


I watched Liv place her order, glancing at me every now and then. Her cheeks flushed a bright red when I moved closer to her, not giving a fuck about the people around us.

"We're in public, Mattia" she whispered, placing her hand on my chest. But I held it and pulled her closer to me so she was against my chest.

"And when has that ever stopped me before?"

"Oh my god" she said, fighting a smile. She took her phone out to pay for the drinks but I beat her to it, handing the cashier a few notes.

"I could've done that" she said, rolling her eyes as she picked up the drinks. I laughed and tapped her ass as we walked away from the bar. She pressed her lips together, shaking her head at me.

She was wearing a royal blue bikini with a gold chain. Wait, I leaned forward, examining the chain to realise it was one of mine.

"Aye" I said, gently reaching forward and turning the gold coin in the centre of the chain around.


"When did I give you this?" I said, furrowing my brows as Liv looked down at the gold chain.

"When Alejandro and Kairi threw you a bachelor party for your 'wedding' with Maria" she said, taking at seat on the towel "I turned up as a stripper and you gave me it in the club"

I smiled, sitting next to her. I couldn't stop staring into her brown eyes, they were warm. They were home. She was my home. No two ways about it.


"I already knew that" I said "I just wanted to see if you'd forgotten or not"

"You were my husband, Mattia" she said, sadly smiling down at the chain "I'll never forget the shit we went through"

I wanted to kiss her so bad. Just take her face in my hands and kiss her pale pink lips.

"I'll always love-"

"Hey Olivia!"

I bit the inside of my cheek as I turned around to see a guy with light brown hair running towards us. A surfboard tucked under his arm and a blonde walking close behind.

"Oh Michael, hi" smiled Liv, waving at them. They gave each other hugs before turning to me. I recognised them immediately. Michael and Lexi.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" said Lexi, giving me a cold stare. I laughed softly, standing up along with Liv.

"The pleasure is all mine" I said, reaching my hand out. But, as suspected, she scoffed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Wait you guys know each other?" asked Liv. A mischievous grin spread across my face as I looked over at Lexi. She scowled at me, clenching her jaw.

"I don't know, do we?" I asked. She cursed under her breath and walked away from us, leaving us with an awkward looking Michael. Still as awkward as the first time I'd met him.

"Nice to see you again, Mattia" he said quickly. I opened my mouth to say something but he'd already disappeared in Lexi's direction.

"How do you know them?"

I turned to Liv to see her narrowing her eyes at me with her arms folded across her chest.

"Past friends" I said "how come you know them?"

"I stayed at their place with-"

"Look who fucking showed up!"

I looked to my right to see Grayson walking towards us. Black shorts to compliment his tan and jet black hair which was messy. I looked back at Olivia as she gave him a small smile and avoided eye contact with me.

"You fucking slept-"

"I mean it was a bit more than just sleeping" he interrupted, nudging my arm. I looked down at my arm where he'd tapped me before driving my fist into his jaw. He stumbled backwards, holding his face with one hand before glaring back at me.

"Mattia, don't"

I turned back to see her closer to me, looking up at me with her hands on my arm. She glanced behind me but I shook my head, pulling away from her.

"I get that I cheated" I said, shaking my head as she looked at me in confusion. 

"But a downgrade, really? Thought you knew better"

Never The SameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora