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"Kiana can you go into the garden and pick some tomatoes for the sauce, please" Francesca smiled

Kiana left the kitchen to go into the garden and practically got lost in the jungle of a tomato farm. She didn't know which ones to pick, she saw one which looked nice but then another looked better.

Then she'd find a bigger one.

Then a more ripe one.

She didn't even know how many Francesca needed, but she'd probably be here for awhile with the options presented to her.

The front door opened making Francesca smile.
"Mama I'm home, dinner smells sorprendente as always"(amazing) He yelled

"I'm glad, my friend helped me out, you'll get to meet her today, I think you two would be a great couple" Francesca suggested

"Mama I already told you I don't need a girlfriend" he muttered

"Well if you're not going to go to that therapist, maybe a girlfriend will set that head straight" She begun.

"I don't need eith-" he muttered, but he couldn't finish as his mother had already looked up from her task at hand and gave him a warning look, ready to scold him when her eyes went wide.

As she looked up from her task at hand, she saw the blood stains on his attire. "Vai a ripulirti prima che ti veda" she rushed out pointing her wooden spoon at his clothes. (Go and clean yourself up before she sees you)

"It's not my fault, I didn't know she was here, it's not like she doesn't know who we are-" He started

Francesca looked back at the garden ensuring Kiana wasn't making her way back to the kitchen yet.

"Wait... she doesn't know?" He questioned

Francesca looked back at the boy and pointed her spoon at the door, ensuring he would go to his room to shower.

"Fine, okay, I'll go shower and change" he mumbled as he walked off.

Just as he had left the room, Francesca went outside to check on Kiana. She had been gone awfully long, which was good in hindsight because she hadn't seen the blood on her son, which would of caused more questions than she would of wanted, but it was a bit worrying how long she had been gone for.

Francesca knew she had security in the garden for safety measures and they hadn't notified her of anything suspicious that would make her panic, but she knew what they were like, unless someone was kidnapped, dead or shot she wouldn't know anything, so she ventured off into the garden herself.

After taking a few turns and picking up a few tomatoes on her way, which she was surprised Kiana had missed, she found her carrying a basket full of tomatoes.

"Kiana" Francesca called out, getting Kiana's attention

Kiana realised she must of taken a lot longer than she thought she had and walked over to Francesca apologising for taking so long.

"There's nothing to apologise for, I just thought you got a bit lost" she laughed.

The two walked back into the kitchen to finish making dinner. As Kiana watched Francesca begin to make the sauce she began to need the toilet.

"Where's the bathroom?" Kiana asked

"Oh it's down the hall, turn right, then turn left and it should be the last door on you right" Francesca explained.

Kiana took off her apron and hesitantly walked away trying to remember the directions she was just told.

Francesca continued the meal by herself when her son walked back into the kitchen, now up to her standards. He was wearing a white button up shirt with navy blue suit trousers and dress shoes. He was clearly here for a meal and leaving straight away, the usual.

"So where's your friend then?" He mocked

Francesca smacked the upside of his head "Don't speak to your mother like that and she's in the bathroom but I think she might have gotten lost, can you go get her please" she requested.

Grabbing a piece of cheese, he ran off to the bathroom to locate his mother's new friend which he didn't know anything about.

It was odd because he was sure he had met all of his mothers friends. Even the ones who she begged him to meet in the past because she was so sure they'd be a perfect couple, when in reality the girl was extremely self absorbed, was from a family who wanted to marry into the top dogs or just didn't interest him. Yes, he did sleep with all of them, but that didn't mean he was going to make them his girlfriend.

He didn't even ask any of them on dates, that should of been a sign to all of them that it was just a quick fuck, that's all.

At this point Luca had gone through all of his mother's friend's daughters and he was so sure she had stopped trying to get him a girlfriend, until today. It had been three years since her last attempt at trying to get him with someone, until she mysteriously made a new friend.

He knew his mother was talkative and sociable, but what on earth did he tell this woman to get her to come to the house to meet him.

He was just about to knock when the bathroom door opened, revealing her.

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