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Luca was in a state of destruction.

He wasn't sleeping. He couldn't.

He couldn't face the look of his uncle's lifeless eyes staring back at him being burned into his memory.

He drowned his fears in bottles of alcohol.

He smoked spliff after spliff to feel nothing. Just pure emptiness.

Anything to get away from the harsh realities of the world.

He had hundreds of unanswered calls from his mother. She couldn't see him like this. He couldn't break her heart.

She knew he wasn't okay, but she didn't know he got into states like this.

He was a broken man. Defeated and alone. No one understood him.

His own father refused to talk to him about the past. He refused to talk to him about life as don and the impact it had on your mental health. He refused to about anything other than business or the familia.

Luca hated it.

He didn't hate his father as he was a good man. He was a good man, who ensured he still had his childhood despite the impending responsibilities of Don he'd have to train for. He did his best with the situation of training his son to become don.

But that love his father and mother had for him wasn't enough.

He was alone in this world.

He hated it.

His mother could never understand what he went through. He couldn't talk to her, it'd break her heart to see the broken man that he'd become. Taking drugs and drowning his sorrows.

He was a shell of himself.

He needed her. He needed Kiana Davidson and he despised himself for it. He wanted, no he needed her because he knew she'd understand. He knew she would listen. She would comfort him. He needed to see her, Even if it was just for her to hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright. He needed it.

He didn't need her body, he wanted her. He wanted her to heal him. He knew she could heal him. He needed to be healed.

To feel better, to be a better person. He wanted to get over everything he'd been though at such a young age.

It was now three months since he had last seen her and he hadn't had a sober night since.

He couldn't bare to be sober and feel the exhaustion of a full day without the assistance of drugs. But he needed to get better.

He needed to show her that he was serious about getting better.

He needed to do it for himself and for her.

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