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Luca laughed at what he had just witnessed. The two really just had sex in his mother's house without saying a word to each other and then straight back to arguing.

He watched her storm off and couldn't help but stare at her ass.

Fuck, he wanted to be inside of her again.

He washed his hands and began to make his way back to the kitchen.

This was going to be a very fun meal he thought to himself.

As he strolled back into the kitchen he found Kiana hugging his mother.

He was confused.

As they stopped their embrace, his mum passed Kiana a tupperware box full of the meal they must of made.

Kiana once again said goodbye and made her way out of the kitchen not even acknowledging him on her way out.

He wanted to grab her, stop her.

Say something, but he couldn't.

He didn't know what to say, so he just watched. He watched her figure leave his eye sight and through the front door.

What just happened?

That's when he turned back to look at his mother.

He was about to question what just happened when his mother beat him to speaking.

"Non so che cazzo hai fatto Luca ma Kiana afferma di aver avuto un'emergenza a casa e di aver bisogno di andarsene subito" she started. (i don't know what the fuck you did Luca but Kiana claims she had an emergency at home and needed to leave right away)

Luca bit the inside of his mouth unsure of what to tell his mum. "La cosa divertente è che il suo telefono è stato in cucina tutto il tempo e non ha ricevuto un solo messaggio." She continued. (The funny thing is that her phone was in the kitchen the entire time, and she did not receive a single text.)

"Non ti stavo costringendo ad uscire con lei, volevo semplicemente che avessi qualcun altro al tuo fianco oltre a me e tuo padre. Mi preoccupo per te, ma non c'era motivo per te di essere scortese con lei." She sniffled. (I wasn't forcing you to go out with her, I simply wanted you to have someone else by your side other than me and your father. I get worried about you, but there was no reason for you to be rude to her.)

"Mamma, ti prometto che non sono stato scortese con lei. Kiana Davidson è il dottor Davidson. Era la mia terapista e doveva spaventarla il fatto che sarebbe stata costretta a cenare con uno dei suoi vecchi pazienti che non era esattamente il più gentile e sua madre." Luca explained, leaving out certain parts of the story. (Mum I promise you I wasn't rude to her. Kiana Davidson is Dr Davidson. She was my therapist and it must of freaked her out that she was going to be forced to have dinner with one of her old patients who wasn't exactly the nicest and his mother. )

"I-I... I thought your therapist was Dr. Jack Wittman, that's who I got you... well anyway it doesn't matter, I'll personally visit her office tomorrow and apologise on behalf of the both of us" Francesca declared, already knowing how rude Luca can get when he doesn't want to talk to someone. So she was definitely going to make it up to Kiana. She didn't want to loose her.

"About that, mama I found out M.I.whatever have been following us and trying to convict me for anything so please don't visit Dr. Davidson she doesn't need to be involved in the investigation and more importantly us" Luca mentioned

"God, Luca why didn't you tell me this before?! That's it, I'm getting Antonio to watch over her" Francesca sighed

"Weren't you already?" He questioned

"No, but from what I'm now hearing is that you had Antonio assigned to her already" Francesca smirked at the instant reply she got from Luca's best friend, also assassin as she asked him to look out for Kiana, he said he already was.

"Have you got something to tell me Bambino? I saw the way you watched her leave." Francesca hinted (child)

Luca didn't want to be pestered with questions about his and Kiana's brief past and simply sat down at the table and began to eat.

Francesca hummed at the odd behaviour of her son and began to call her husband, who was in Italy for the week to tell him about the news of the investigation on their family.

She was definitely going to get information out of Luca one way or another and if not, she'll find some way to contact Kiana and get her to spill. She could tell Kiana already saw her as a mother figure, there was no way she could say no to her.

And if push came to shove, she'd just have to get Antonio to crack, which would be hard after all of his training, but then again she did basically raise him, he couldn't say no to her.

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