Twenty two

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Kiana looked at her phone, it was Sunday evening. Friday went and gone. She didn't hear from Luca since that one phone call.

She sat in her office waiting for Luca Friday night. She couldn't believe she actually wanted to go out with him. How could she be so stupid. So unprofessional? And he had stood her up.

She didn't even have his number to call him because the last time he called it was a private number and the time before that she had blocked it.

She even went as far to unblock the number and call him. It didn't even go through, the call failed instantly, as if it never existed.

She was angry and frustrated. She couldn't believe how possessive he had been over the phone telling her who she could and couldn't sleep with and then when the opportunity presented itself he didn't show up.

Fuck him she thought. He was just a patient. Only a patient and that's it. From now on she would only answer to her professional name from him. No more pet names, no more first names. He was now Mr. Romano.

Kiana had grabbed her stuff that night and made her way to the car park to drive home. There was no way she was waiting for him any longer. He missed his opportunity.

She was dreading the Monday morning. It was going to be Luca's first official meeting as a patient.

Well that's if he even showed up. She wouldn't be surprised if he left her waiting once again.

He had wasted her time once, actually no, scratch that, twice. The first time he came into her office and now on Friday night when he stood her up, she wouldn't put it past him to do it again.

Was this all a game to him?

Without realising it, Kiana had found herself wide awake staring at the time on her phone, seeing it was truly Monday morning.

She needed to get up, she needed to go to work.

Kiana decided to take her time getting ready, for one to show Luca what he missed out on. But also because she also wanted to be late, not overly but just enough to show that it was her time that he was on, she didn't care about what else went on in his life, in that moment he had to listen to her and respect her. She also wasn't in the mood for anyone's bullshit today.

Her office was her domain, he couldn't boss her around. He had to sit back and listen to her. She was his superior.

She chose to wear a black midi length off the shoulder knitted dress, along with a grey trench coat and black heels.

She looked over her outfit and smiled, it made her curves look good as well as covered her enough to not feel too exposed. She opted to wear her hair in a slicked bun, with natural makeup.

She felt good.

She knew Luca would-. No, no more Luca. He's her patient, Mr. Romano.

Just a patient.

Just a patient who means nothing to you, but helping him through his problems, she repeated in her head.

She needed to drill it into her head because she couldn't let him sweet talk her... well not even sweet talk her, he was straight up rude to her when she thought about it, maybe it was just his accent which made her basically spread her legs for him in the first place.

"Leaving for work" Cassie mumbled, as she looked at Kiana, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes

"Yeah, unfortunately" Kiana rolled her eyes, as she looked at the couple on their bed.

Kiana had slept in Cassie and Tom's bed the whole weekend.

They didn't do anything, simply just watched tv since Kiana felt lonely.

She wanted to spend more time with them other than sex because they hadn't actually done that in a long time.

The three of them missed that side of their friendship. The sex between them was just a bonus, if it happened.

They attempted to watch Greys anatomy together but Tom kept falling asleep and Cassie was on her phone, so it was just Kiana watching but she was happy to have the company.

Kiana soon after left the house and made her way to the closet tube station to make her way to the office.

It was a short journey, something she was used to. Same old, same old. She just wanted to see what today entailed.

Would Luca actually show up or would he just stand her up and disrespect her once again?

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