Thirty five

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After a long conversation about Luca's past, job, business and just about everything inbetween, Kiana's head was scrambled.

She didn't know what to think.

What to do.

Where to even go.

At some point during their conversation, Luca had guided her to sit on his bed with him, which turned into her laying back and him wrapping his arms around her and the two of them just laying there until kiana finally spoke.

She finally spoke, saying "I need to go to a different room", and without another word she got up, put the joggers back on and left. She left the room, exploring the house further.

She needed to, she needed to explore because she needed something to do other than panic about her own selfish needs that night at the bar putting herself in this position. How she should of just stayed away like Luca had tried to do himself, but the both of them failed and let their bodies talk for them and now they were in this mess.

What the hell is my life? What am I meant to do now? I have patients...I have a life here, I have Tom and Cassie - but I want Luca as well.

Can I have both?

She didn't even know when or how, but she found herself downstairs. She found herself in some sort of office room.

Maybe Luca's, or maybe his father - who he didn't speak much about. He didn't speak much about him, but when he did he always spoke highly of him, admiring him. And now it all made sense, it was because he was so shocked that his father had managed to go through the life of being the Don of the Italian mafia and not break. He made it through. He killed to survive and he did it well. Didn't get caught, ensured everyone was happy and didn't do wrong - against the law, yes - but not wrong within their community and their lifestyle. Luca aspired to be like him, but just more open.

As she stepped further into the room, the dim room, she couldn't help but jump as she noticed someone was in there.

"Shit, sorry" she gasped, holding her heart as their eyes stared at her

She couldn't see much of the person, well until their hand reached out turned the lamp besides them on their desk on to illuminate the room more.

And then Kiana saw his face.

"G-Giovanni?" She whispered

"Hello Dr. Davidson" he smiled, "Please, sit mio caro. I know we're more used to you being the one behind the desk but I think we need to have a long conversation" He spoke in a deep rich voice, moving some files off of the desk as Kiana walked towards him

(My dear)

Sitting down, Kiana didn't know what to think, but then again her life couldn't really surprise her anymore.

Her life couldn't surprise her anymore, not with Giovanni being...

"So you're Luca's father?" She pieced together, staring at the same pitch black curls ontop of Giovanni's head, the same piercing brown eyes and the same smile - but his was more sinister now realising exactly who he was

"Yes I am and I'm sure you're probably piecing together that all those sessions we've had where I've vented to you about my troubles of not knowing my son that well because of work when he was growing up, is all adding up" He asked as Kiana nodded, now realising that weeks ago when she said that she knew too many Italians, that they all actually did know each other

"So I'll ask you one question, are you going to tell my family that you're my therapist?" He asked

"No of course not, that's between a doctor and their patient, if they do not know you come to my office they do not need to know until you're ready to tell them" she explained, earning a proud smile from Giovanni knowing that he had chosen a good therapist and Luca had chosen an loyal woman

"But how know, how is it going with Luca?" She asked referencing their last session where she had told Giovanni to talk to Luca more to start a bond with him no matter how late in life he had left it

"Dr. Davidson, this is not the time for you to be asking those questions" he chuckled at Kiana showing that she was truly a therapist who cared for her patients no matter her shocking circumstances of her life

"Sorry" she mumbled, realising that she in fact was talking to Luca's father now, not her patient Giovanni.

"I trust you know that everything Luca has told you tonight must stay between the two of you - similarly as your doctor patient relationship with all you patients?" He hummed as Kiana nodded

"Before I say what I want to say, do you have an questions for me about all of this?" He asked, wanting her to feel like nothing had changed between the two of them despite him clearly not telling her who he was when they first met

Do I? Giovanni started seeing me as a therapist a year before I met Luca, so it's not like this was all planned.

"No, it's just a shock that's all" she mumbled

"Yes, I can understand that completely but I must say this...Dr Davidson I assume you can tell by now that there is a snake amongst us and they're feeding information to the secret service. I know you must be shocked and afraid about this entire situation but please do not be, I was truthful in our sessions and I am being truthful with you now" he reassured her

"You've met all of us as a family, separately in your own ways and I can see it now, why Francesca wouldn't stop talking about you and how you must meet my son, who you clearly already knew without anyone's knowledge. You're a beautiful woman who seems like you anchor my son. I know that is not what you wanted or intended to do but I thank you for helping him when you have and I also thank you for helping me over the past year" he told her, not entirely sure if he was making sense because he was so used to not having to be so formal with Kiana in her sessions, he would vent, he would feel like he could tell her anything but now she was seeing another side to him. Him as ex-Don, she knew he had shed blood and a lot of it and he wasn't sure if she would see him differently now

"Giovanni, I'm glad that I've helped you, Luca speaks highly of you" she smiled

Giovanni breathed a sigh, knowing that Kiana was strict when she needed to be but she was also kind. "That means more to me than you'll ever know Dr Davidson" he smiled at her, "You've probably not been asked this all day but what do you think...No, how are you?" He asked concerned for the woman who was his therapist, but now looked like she needed the help and someone to talk to

"I'm-" she started, "I'm sorry" she whispered, staring into Giovanni's eyes


"I don't know if I can do this...It's just all so-" she felt her emotions finally bubble up in her throat after today

"Draining?" He finished for her

"Yes" she breathed out, finally feeling like she had gotten a surge of oxygen back into her body with someone knowing what was going through her head for the first time today

"I-I just want"

"You want to go home but do not want to break my son's heart?" He asked, with a knowing smile

"Yes" she felt the tears welling up in her eyes

Giovanni Romano did his research on Kiana Davidson when he first started seeing her for sessions. He chose her not only because she was one of the best therapists in the city, but also because she had her own demons from the past. She wasn't all happy and felt like she had her life together, she openly stated that she has bipolar disorder to her patients on her website because she wanted them to know she too has her off days but is doing well and that's what she wants to achieve for her patients.

"Have you taken you medication?" He asked,

"I-" she stumbled on her words trying to remember when the last time she had even taken them. When was the last time she even had time to breathe. When was the last time she wasn't going from being so down that she couldn't get out bed to numbing her feelings by using sex.

Fuck, do I love Luca or am I just using him to make myself feel something?

"I will ask you this one more time Dr. Davidson, would you like me to take you home, yes or no?"

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