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Hands slammed onto the table.

"Dammit! We almost had him!" Tsukauchi shouted.

"I still don't know how he knew she was caught." Sansa frowned.

"Any traces of the call?" the detective asked.

"None sir. There were strong interferences and the only signals we received were from outside of Japan." Sansa replied as he looked over the reports again.

"This man is smart."

"Too Smart." a different police officer interrupted, walking in.

"We don't even know what he looks like." Sansa added.

"But he has the same voice does he not?"

"No, he doesn't" Tsukauchi groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What about the kid who answered the phone?" the officer asked. "We have to assume it's either a relative or someone they've hired."

"Can it be a family thing? There was that one woman who managed to break into one of the bigger companies' jewelry stores." Sansa suggested.

"Probably." Tsukauchi sighed and flopped down into his chair.

"Sir, one of the officers said a teenager assisted with the sighting of Suspect X." a desk assistant peeked into the room.

"Bring him in."

"So it was just a homeless kid?" Tsukauchi raised a brow.

"From the looks of it, I'd say so. His cap was worn out, jeans too big, a dirty white tee, and a jacket far too big for him." the officer explained.

"He gave us directions where the suspect headed but it was only after offering him to buy food." his assigned partner added.

"Should we follow up with him?" Sansa questioned the detective.

"No, but i think we should keep an eye around that area. Maybe we'll find something."

"Yes, sir!"

* * *

Chirps managed to wake up the boy in a gentle manner. The curtains doing him a favor and shutting out the majority of the sun away from his face.

After yesterday's events he'd thought of sleeping in but quickly remembered it was a Saturday.

Rolling out from his bed he dragged himself out to the bathroom.

It was around 10 in the morning when he did manage to finish getting ready. The Army green duffle bag still sat in his living/dining room.

He stayed still. Staring at the money filled bag before deciding to drag it towards his room.

Opening his closet, he felt around the wooden tiles. Under the wooden tiles were more stacks of money. Some were labeled with dates on them.

You see, he never used the money he stole unless a minimum of two months passed. And from the looks of it he wouldn't need to steal in another two years.

He then gently took out a couple bundles of money and set them aside.

"I wonder what I should buy today." he whispered as he began to organize the newly robbed money into his own bundles of organizing and labeling.

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