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"Ko! Where are you? Are you okay?" he was scrambling around his small apartment, packing a week's worth of clothes and a few other things into a hiker's backpack.

"I'm fine..."

"I'm coming to get you soon." he reassured her as he kicked a drawer shut.


Daisuke frowned, something was wrong. "Are you at home?"


"How's Goto-san?"

"You saw the news?"

"Of course I did. How's your mother?"

It was quiet but there was a distinct rustling of papers.

"She's worried..."

"I'll keep this short. Meet me at Kiyashi's Mall, 8pm on the 24th."

"It's Christmas Eve!"

"I know. I'll call you later."


Hanging up, he threw the phone on the floor and began to stomp on it. Satisfied with the cracked phone he picked it up, pulled out the sim card, battery and ran all the pieces under water.

He had to plan things out carefully if he wanted to get her out


"Christmas eve..." Tsukauchi mumbled, seemingly deep in thought.

Koharu placed the phone on her dinner table. "I'm sorry--"

"Don't be." The Detective quickly cut her off, taking the phone.

"He's being smart." Officer Sakamoto nodded.

Officer Ohno pipped in, "Picking one of the busiest days in December... honestly I'm surprised."

Both officers nodded to each other in agreement.

"You could have still pushed for a sooner date, girl!" The chief sneered.

"Chief, I think that's enough." Tsukauchi glared.

"Detective!" Sansa rushed into the house. "We couldn't pinpoint an exact location for the call."

A quiet sigh of relief left Koharu.

"But we did narrow it down to Shokaku and Northern Kyushu Region."

Tsukauchi crossed his arms and side eyed the Chief.

"So he was still in Southern Japan after all..." he boasted.

"Tch. Luck seems to be on your side this year, Naomasa." The chief went to take his leave before turning back.

"Officer Ohno!"

"Yes, sir!" she quickly stood from her seat.

"You'll be staying here with the Yamazaki's."

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