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Koharu dialed. And then re-dialed. Again. And again. And again.


She'd not only waited the entire night for Daisuke to come home as he said he would but she was now waiting for him with a baseball bat in hand when he finally dared come home.

"I'm going to strangle the ever loving handsomeness out of that boy!" she snatched a pillow from her bed and proceeded to scream into it.

That was until her doorbell rang.

Sprinting to the door she opened it completely ready to give Daisuke a piece of her mind. But it wasn't Daisuke at the door.


"Ah! Um... Yam...izaki-san?"

"Yamazaki. It's on the mailbox." She frowned. "What are you doing here? Where's Daisuke?"

Goto nervously chuckled as he held out a letter to her.

"What's this?" she cautiously asked.

"A letter." Goto pursed his lips.

"I know it's a letter." 

"From Daisuke." he added.

"Did he run away?!" 

"What? NO! No. If anything that would have been better." the man nervously chuckled.


Goto slapped his mouth. "Sorry. No. Forget I said anything. Just read the letter. He's fine. He'll be fine. Bye!"

Koharu watched as Goto ran to his car and drove off.


Puddles, my dear,

"What the fuck?" she whispered, reading the letter. 

If you're getting this letter that means I'm still alive. Oh also I'm writing this a week after you agreed to have me stay at your place. Anyways, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Phone probably isn't working, and for a good reason I promise. If I can, I'll explain it all to you when I see you. Could be 24 hours after getting the letter. Because realistically they can't keep me longer than that.

Koharu's frown deepened as she read. Who the fuck can't keep him that long?

For now, don't try calling. I'm in some shady business at the moment and don't want them tracking your number. I'll make sure to make it back in one piece and promise to buy you paint, canvases, paint brushes, cheesecake, and if you want I'll take you to the Amusement park and/or water park. Not lying to you, I will do it even if you say it's too much money.

Stay off the phone, make sure you know who's at the door before opening it. Goto shouldn't be contacting you again unless it's an emergency. Don't go to him. Don't go to my place. Don't call. Be safe and don't worry, I'll be back.

- Your Stupid friend

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