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"I'll treat you like all my clients in the past and request the full details upfront. Otherwise, I refuse." Daisuke told Tsukauchi.

"Very well," the detective begrudgingly agreed. Clasping his hands together, Tsukauchi pursed his lips into a thin line and asked,

"What are the chances of Stain joining the League of Villains?"


"Honestly, Naomasa." Daisuke mumbled as he wandered the streets of Matsufu.

"You're the one who agreed to this."

"Yes I did." Daisuke harshly whispered, ignoring the weird looks he was being sent from the crowd. "I just didn't think I'd do it the night before school."

"Wow. Didn't think you'd care about that." Naomasa lightly teased.

Daisuke had been asked to patrol a potential area where Stain might be striking next and attempt to follow and question him. Or at least strike up a conversation.

During their talk earlier in the day, Daisuke was informed of the things that had begun to take place behind closed doors in regards to his status as a 'repenting villain.' It had come to Tsukauchi's attention after receiving a letter, asking for updates regarding Daisuke, the Chief Ogawa Yamato had been in contact with the Hero Commission.

To say that an argument broke out between the two was an understatement. The Chief had admitted to using Daisuke's charitable work for Tsukauchi and masking it for the Hero Commission as the boy following his orders for the last two years.

Now, the Hero Commission was under the guise Daisuke had willingly become another tool for them to use. Which left the detective at a crossroads. Tsukauchi wasn't about to try and keep the truth from Daisuke; the boy was too cunning for that.

Daisuke, now aware of his situation, didn't know how to feel. Naomasa had-- was clearly livid about his situation, which was oddly reassuring. And with a reason as to why the detective was asking for his opinion on certain matters, it seemed to finally make sense.

So without hearing the rest of Naomasa's request, Daisuke agreed to help.

"I really don't think we'll be running into him--" the teen looked down at his watch, "on a Tuesday evening."

Tsuchauchi audibly sighed, "I know and I'm sorry--"

"Just let me get away with one punch to that potbelly of a Chief and I forgive you." Daisuke attempted to lighten the tone.

Daisuke didn't blame the detective. Naomasa wouldn't have done such a thing behind his back. He and Aizawa had proven themselves to him these past years. Sure, one would think no trust would have been built between his captors and himself but who else did he have at his side. The rat certainly didn't-- probably never will be something he could place his trust on.

With a tracker on him and Naomasa nagging him through an earpiece, Daisuke took random turns through the streets and alleyways. Not particularly following any heroes' patrol path. With the occasional widow shopping and teasing Naomasa the idea of gifting him something for parents' day, the night was rather uneventful.

"Can we call it a night, Naomasa?" Daisuke yawned as he sat down on an outdoor seating for a small cafe.

"I think so. Stay where you are, I'll go pick you up."

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