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"You can touch him." Naomasa told Daisuke over the intercom.

Daisuke was inside the familiar walls of Tartarus cells. Bird brain strapped down with chair bolted to the floor.

"Easy for you to say when you're not in my position!" Daisuke shouted, sticking as close to the wall as possible. "Geez."

"It hasn't reacted to any other methods. I doubt patting him on the back will make him react."

"I doubt it'll make him react~" Daisuke parroted. Slowly sliding against the wall around the room.

"What if the voice doesn't work?" he asked. "Will it get mad?"

"Like I said we don't know. It hasn't given us anything to work with." A doctor spoke this time.

"Great." Daisuke nodded, "Send in someone to mimic the voice of its leader. If it reacts, great. Will the restraints hold? Who knows! Solid Plan Detective Naomasa."

"We've taken all the safety precautions already. You'll be fine."

"Liars." Daisuke mumbled, reaching the middle of the right side wall. The bird brain hadn't even followed his movements.

Taking a step towards it, he left one hand touching the wall and outstretched the other. Enough for his fingertips to make contact with its heavy dark navy like skin.

"Gross." Daisuke shivered, staring at his hand.

"We could have supplied gloves."

Oh, now they tell him.

Daisuke's quirk was a complicated one. Tsukauchi had stated in his files it was a visual kind of quirk where the boy saw something, understood how it worked, and would become and/or emit some form of that quirk. If his understanding of quirks were deeper, he was able to merge two of them and use them as he pleased.

"What is it?" Tsukauchi asked as Daisuke rubbed his fingertips together.

"Five." Daisuke frowned.


Another part of Daisuke's quirk file-- which were sealed away for safety purposes-- stated he was able to gain all understanding of a quirk from the original user either by:

1. simply becoming them and touching them

2. Making physical contact with the intent of learning said quirk or

3. Watching the original user use the quirk.

Daisuke didn't know which one it was. Most of it was luck being at his side. Sometimes it worked, other times nothing happened, he didn't bother to figure out why since it didn't fail him enough times for him to care about.

"There're five quirks." Daisuke exclaimed, trying to rub away the feeling from his fingertips.

"Are you sure?"

Daisuke nodded. "Yeah.."

"Go ahead and try the voice now."

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