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Aizawa wasted no second having Daisuke sit in the living room, notepad in hand and all of the footage, the intermission games included, being played on t.v. This was his homework– yes. This was something he needed to do. He'd promised himself he'd have to go through hours of footage the day he told everyone he wouldn't be attending the sports festival.

"Torture." Daisuke whispered, pausing the video to give his eyes a break.

"Too bad you didn't go." Aizawa told him. He too was busy, mostly sorting through piles of possible agencies for internships for the class, bandages long gone after Recovery Girls last healing kiss session.

"Yeah well I saw a hero's corpse in an alley." Daisuke huffed, standing and feeling his joints pop. Heading to a kitchen for lunch.

Aizawa didn't comment on it. He wondered just when Daisuke had become so desensitized to such things. Another part of him wondered if he'd ever needed to commit such–

"You want chicken?" Daisuke asked, holding out a bucket of leftover KFC.

"What's left?" Aizawa asked, his train of thought gone.

"Chicken." Daisuke repeated.

"What part of the chicken?" Aizawa glared at him. A smug face on the teen.


Aizawa never should have assumed Daisuke's sense of humor had also matured along with his view on life.

"Pass." so he chose to move on from the comment.

"Ah, an ass type of man." Daisuke grinned.

Aizawa knew better than to fall into his little trap. He'd fallen for it many times the first handful of months they began living together. So he stayed quiet, irritated but quiet. Silence was always best with Daisuke when it came to these–

"Oh there's a leg–"

"I'll have that."

"Thighs!" Daisuke cheered. He'd fallen for it.

Aizawa's glare never worked on Daisuke when he'd gained the high ground. And just to add onto the irritable behavior the teen closed the fridge and threw some finger guns, 

"A Man of culture."

A few hours later, Daisuke and Aizawa slumped over the couch. Pulling all nighters had become more difficult once he'd stopped his criminal activity. Tsukauchi wouldn't keep him at the station past midnight no matter how much help he needed and when Aizawa went out for patrol he'd always stayed locked in the apartment.

"Coffee?" Daisuke grunted from one side of the couch.

Aizawa replied in a short grunt, sprawled out on the other side.

"Right." Daisuke took a deep breath in before slowly lifting his head off the armrest. The heaviness of his body along with the stiffness popped out with every joint movement.


Aizawa and Daisuke held their own respective cups of coffee with similar matching stacks on paper on the other hand. Aizawa dragging along his sleeping bag and Daisuke's backpack open to the public and his quirk very much off, if the eyebags were anything to go off.

"SHOTA! TROUBLE MAKER!" Present Mic ever so graciously greeted them upon entering the teachers office.

Daisuke scowled, not saying anything until he took the longest sip from his cup, keeping eye contact with Mic.

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