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Work Study week finished and Daisuke, unsurprisingly, found out which students had been caught up in the Stain situation turned out to be two rich boys and one self-destructive kid.

Who would have guessed? Daisuke did. And Aizawa, no matter how resilient he was in holding back information, could not hide it from the self proclaimed 'Master of deception.'

"You're not allowed to question them." Aizawa threw a pointed look at Daisuke as he made his way out the teachers office.

"I won't." Daisuke innocently smiled back at him. "I can just look at their medical records and  news descriptions to figure out what happened."


"Alright! I won't do anything! But they do need an updated check up with Recovery Girl!"

Pulling his tie, he loosened it. Lately he's been feeling more constrained. Nothing on Naomasa nor Aizawa's part had made him feel that way, it was just a more general feeling.

His brief work in Tartarus was put to an end when the scientist pressed on the 'release restraints' button, almost sending Naomasa into cardiac arrest with Daisuke not too far behind. Aizawa might have cornered him into asking what his friend thought about Stain but ultimately respected Daisuke's answer to 'I don't know. I haven't replied' with receipts to his claim.

He felt more comfortable closing his door at home for the first time since his 24/7 surveillance was dismissed. After all, there was no reason for Aizawa to suspect him of doing anything illegal anymore.

"You'll be contacted by them when they feel you are ready." Nezu explained.

Daisuke rolled his eyes at the reminder. What does it mean to be ready for anything he'd signed up to?

Tapping on his folder he wondered just what the commission would have him work for.

Daisuke grew up working within the underground society. There were whispers from quite a few of the brokers going around spewing things along the lines of seeing a hero walking away from what would later turn out to be a crime scene and agents working quickly to get a body bag or ten out of there.

"Well, killing wasn't really my thing so–"

His eyes snap out the window mid-step onto the stairs. Quirk focused, enhancing his eyesight. Scanning the trees of the school, searching for any signs of movement around the building before going further out towards the training grounds.


"Now who could they be..." he mumbled to himself, blinking out the quirk.

Someone was definitely watching him.

"Oh! Look, it's Miyamoto-san!" a cheery voice echoed. Daisuke raised a brow, glancing up the staircase. An all too familiar blond and anxious elf boy made their way down the stairs.

"Well, if it isn't Tintin." Daisuke smirked. Both met in the middle of the staircase and shook hands.

"Skipping class this morning are we?" Daisuke firmly gripped his hand.

The blue eyed third-year laughed, returning the grip, "Not at all! We're scheduled for internships today!"

"Oh really?" Daisuke's eye twitched. "Is that true Gloom Plum?"

The nerve wrecked student behind Tintin nervously shifted. "Y-yeah. Could you not edge him on Mirio... we're already running late."

Daisuke was the first to release the handshake, "You should have said so!" he exclaimed. "Wouldn't want your– what is this your first day– first day of internships get off to a bad start would you?"

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