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"Miyamoto Daisuke," A file was placed in front of Koharu and her mother. "Born December 6, XX30, Mother Clarice Marchand, Father is unknown."

Tsukauchi took a seat. Opening the file he turned it towards Koharu.

"He's filed as quirkless."

Koharu remained quiet.

Mrs. Yamazaki huffed, "I still don't understand why she's needed for questioning. She's never been in contact with--"

"I believe you said there was a friend of hers staying with your daughter for summer, correct?" Tsukauchi politely smiled, taking out a pen and notebook.

She cleared her throat, "Yes. I don't quite remember her name but I'm aware her parents are currently on vacation overseas." Mrs. Yamazaki explained.

Tsukauchi glanced over to Koharu. "Is this all true, Koharu-san?"

Keeping her gaze down at her lap, she fiddled with the zipper of her backpack.


Mrs. Yamazaki's turned to her, "Her parents aren't overseas--?"

"She's not real." Koharu corrected. "It was a lie. He needed a place to stay and he... became?... turned into.... I don't know. But he's Miyamoto Sachiko. He made her up on the spot."

"Does that mean you've been letting Daisuke stay in your home?" Tsukauchi asked for clarification.

"Yes." Koharu whispered.

A scoff came from her mother. "So you've been sleeping arou--"

"No! I haven't! He hasn't done anything wrong!" she desperately told her mother before turning to Tsukauchi.

"Daisuke isn't-- He hasn't done anything wrong, sir." she stuttered. "He just needed a place to stay for the summer before...."


Koharu averted her eyes. "He just wanted to leave the city, start working, get a job."

"What about school?" Tsukauchi asked, writing everything down, even though it was all being recorded.

"He missed a lot of school days. I told he could still go to high school but he kept saying it wasn't for him."

"I see...."

"I can't believe I let this happen." Mrs. Yamazaki sighed in a disbelief tone.

"It's not like we had to try hard. You're never home most of the time." Koharu mumbled.

Tsukauchi was no therapist, but he knew there was tension between mother and daughter.

"You said he was-- or is-- Miyamoto Sachiko? Is that part of his quirk?"

Koharu bit her tongue.

"Tell them everything, Koharu. I don't have time for you to tiptoe around each question."

"Ma'am." Tsukauchi spoke. "This must be a hard time for you daughter at the moment. Her friend has just been accused of being a villain. I can understand why she's being hesitant."

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