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"Is there anything? ANYTHING?!" Naomosa shouted, slamming his hands on the table.

The higher ups were getting on his case about just how long it had been since Suspect X started crimes to who to when he was planning on catching them.

"Nothing sir!"

"Any strange activity in the area I asked to patrol?"

"Nothing at all."

"No mystery teens living with a family member?!"

"Is that what we're reporting?" Aizawa asked, walking into the meeting with a large cup of coffee.

"You patrolled the area last night right? Anything happened?"

"No really, just walked a girl home after an almost assault."


"But i don't think that's anything to go off--"

"SIR! They've reported a duffle bag being found in the mall's bathroom with a gun!"

"Did you have it--"

"We looked for fingerprints but only the outline of them were there."


"Yes! We can confirm Suspect X has no fingerprints!"

"Run the test again and search for any sort of DNA evidence! Check the security footage! I want something on that thing soon or I might as well be serving my head on a silver platter for the higher ups!"


"Eraserhead, was there anything you needed to report?"

"No, not really."

* * *

"Breaking news! Just in a duffle bag with a gun has been reported to be found in the women's restroom at the XXXX Mall!"

Daisuke set his bowl of oatmeal on the coffee table as he listened in on the news.

"Police believe it to be items used during the robbery at ---- local bank just the day before."

It was then cut to a person being interviewed.

"Can you believe the shock I felt when I opened it! My goodness! It was also in a place people could forget as well!"

"Do you believe the culprits did this on purpose?"

"On purpose? I don't know but it is possible! My gods--"

Daisuke then changed the channel to national geographic.

"And here we see a black mamba..."

The narrator whispered as though they themselves were in said place.

Settling down he pulled his school bag from the corner of the living room closer to him and began to get ready to begin his homework, as he ate.

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