4. Captain's Generosity

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    Prim kept herself busy scrubbing, sorting, and counting. She refused to mount the stairs to the main deck. Hollered orders could occasionally be heard. The floorboards would creak and water leaked from the ceiling. At least, Prim hoped it was water. She'd been mortified when Kitty showed her the bucket where she was meant to relieve herself.

    Prim glanced towards the girl. She was curled up in her basket, fast asleep. Prim sighed and stacked two boxes of tea. She hastily marked down the store on a notepad she'd found.

-4 boxes of tea
-2 boxes of coffee
-1 crate of hardtack
-1 canister of salt
-1 canister of pepper
-4 canisters of assorted herbs
-1 barrel of potatoes
-1 bag of flour

    The list went on, but her cooking supplies would be limited. She had no idea if the ship carried chickens, goats, or a milk cow. There were a few barrels of salted meat, for which she was grateful. Water would be her most scarce resource. She'd seen the rain barrels placed on the top deck and they were mostly full, but she didn't know the crew's eating and drinking habits yet.

    At least there's plenty of rum, Prim thought with no small amount of disgust. The stairs creaked and her head shot up. Captain Flynn crossed his arms, watching her. "What do you want?"

    "I'm amazed you actually did some work." He looked over the galley and the sorted supplies. "I expected a princess like yourself to have never lifted a finger a day in her life."

    Prim glared at him. "I'll have you know that I actually helped out quite a lot at home. Besides, I'd rather be stuck down here than up there with you lot."

    "Aye, rats are better company than pirates, are they?"

    "Indeed." Prim stuck her nose in the air and turned away. "Unless you've come to tell me that my father has paid the ransom, I think you should go."

    "No royal ships bearing a white flag have been spotted, but I'll let you know the moment it is." Captain Flynn said, sounding rather amused. "I came to show you where you'll be sleeping. You've worked a full day and I don't imagine you slept after Pops brought you down here?" Prim didn't bother with a reply. "I didn't think so. Come on." He offered her a hand.

    Prim ignored it. "Where will I be sleeping?"

    "My quarters."

    She tensed. "And where will you be sleeping?"

    "My quarters."

    "I won't be sharing anything with you, you sleazy black-hearted son of a..."

    Captain Flynn jerked his head towards Kitty and Prim fell silent. "Your only other options are sleeping in here or with the crew. The men will behave themselves during the day, but at night, they tend to get a little rowdy." Prim continued to glare at him. Captain Flynn rolled his eyes. "Relax, Darling. I'm not interested in prissy princesses."

    "I'm not a princess and I'm not sleeping in the same room as you."

    "I can assure you that the only privacy you'll get on board this ship is in my quarters."

    Prim crossed her arms, then sighed in resignation. She stood, still ignoring Captain Flynn's outstretched hand. She followed him up the stairs and onto the deck. The moon was high overhead and stars glittered brightly.

    Prim lingered, resting her hands on the rail of the ship. She drew in a deep breath, closing her eyes. I'll be all right. Father will pay the ransom soon and then I'll be home and I can forget about all of this. She blinked, watching the small waves roll and break against the ship. "We aren't moving," she said.

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