13. Timid Touch

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•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

    Prim shivered, hugging herself tightly. Captain Flynn and Pops ran to the helm. Only half of the ship's steering wheel remained. Jesp began calling out directions and Captain Flynn guided them through the icebergs.

    Prim inched closer to the side of the ship, staring out at them. They were massive mounds of ice, with cruel edges. They reminded her of the teeth and nails on the Syreni. Prim closed her eyes, her breath frosting in the air.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

    All around her, there was nothing but watery darkness. Prim squeezed her eyes shut, trying to preserve her breath. She couldn't make her limbs move. She was frozen. A current swished past her.

    Scaly hands cupped her face and a pair of lips met her own. Prim's eyes flew open as a creature breathed into her, filling her lungs with air. The Syreni held her tightly and began to swim towards the surface. Prim didn't dare struggle.

    She heard muffled cries as moonlight broke through the water above them. "Prim!" It was Caspian. The Syreni pushed her out of the water and she caught sight of him. Relief flooded his gaze as he pulled her out of the water. Recognition followed it, when he spied the Syreni.

    Prim was too tired to focus. She managed to hold onto Caspian as the anchor lifted. She rested her head against his shoulder, his scent giving her a sense of security. Gunpowder, salt water, and a hint of rum. Prim smiled to herself. He was in desperate need of a bath too. The anchor shuddered to a halt and she was pulled to safety.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•


    She blinked her eyes open and found Charlie kneeling beside her. Prim sat up and looked over the side of the ship again. They were past the icebergs. She flinched as Charlie's hand brushed against hers.

    "You're freezing," he said. "Here. Let me..."

    Captain Flynn was there before he could finish. He offered Prim a hand and pulled her to her feet. "Everyone look yourselves over when you have time," he ordered. "Pops, take us to warmer waters before we drop anchor." The crewmen nodded and drifted back to their stations. Charlie stared after her for a moment, then scurried off.

    Prim's stomach rolled as the crewmen hoisted up dead pirates and tossed them overboard. She spied a few of their own men, unmoving and wreathed in blood. They were left untouched for now. Captain Flynn led her across the deck and into his quarters.

    "Damn. I wish they would've left the door alone," he sighed.

    Prim pulled away from him and ran to the closet. She pried it open. Kitty threw the skirts off herself. Prim held her arms out and Kitty buried her head against her chest. Her shoulders shook with terrified sobs. Prim stroked her thick curls soothingly.

    "Are you all right?" She whispered. Kitty nodded, clutching at Prim's shirt.

    "You need to get out of those clothes or you'll catch your death of cold," Captain Flynn said.

    "I'll be fine. I should go see to the..."

    "I've been at sea all my life and I know what happens when you're frozen and covered in wet clothes," he interrupted.

    Prim narrowed her eyes. "I know a little bit about treating injuries. I'm going to help the crew."

    He opened the second closet and grabbed a thick shirt. Prim didn't have a chance to protest. Kitty drew back and Caspian practically shoved the shirt over her head. Prim stuck her arms through the sleeves with a grimace. Her wet clothes stuck to her skin beneath the dry shirt.

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