40. A Hand Outstretched

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    Prim rode hard and fast throughout the day. By the time Latros appeared in the distance, the sun was setting. I hope Kitty isn't too worried about me, she thought. And I really hope this works.

    Her horse slowed to a walk as they reached the city limits. He was breathing hard, even though Prim had only been riding him for an hour. She'd traded off horses at every town she rode through, knowing a fresh horse would get her to Latros faster.

    Now, let's see if I can remember my way to Ms. Harriet's inn. Prim scanned the streets warily. I think I could find my way if I saw the alley Caspian pulled me into. That means I'll have to start at the square and retrace my steps.

    Prim nudged the horse on. They rode past a set of docks and she eyed the ships in the harbor. None looked familiar. She turned down a street, swallowing. She'd begun to catch a few stares. Pirates rode past her, watching through narrowed eyes. She lifted her chin and ignored them.

    I wish I had a weapon, she thought. A pistol or a dagger, even. Maybe this was a bad idea. I don't even know if Ms. Harriet is in the country. Prim pushed the thought aside. I have to make sure. I can't let Caspian die.

    The clamor of voices caught her attention. Prim breathed a sigh of relief as she entered the square. A slave auction was underway. Prim watched the shackled Faeries angrily. If someone ever treats Kitty this way...

    Prim looked away and began to look for familiar streets. She flicked the reins and guided the horse down one. His ears pricked up and he snorted, suddenly. Prim knit her brows. "What is it?" She whispered.

    Prim gasped, hearing a pistol being cocked. She dug her heels into the horse's side. He whinnied and bolted just as a shot was fired. It missed Prim's leg but tore through her mount's shoulder. The horse went down and Prim leaped before he could roll onto her. The horse's pained shrieks filled the alley.

    Prim struggled to catch her breath as she pushed herself to her feet. Another shot rang out and the horse fell silent. She ran, not bothering to look back. "You should know better than to come to a pirate city, Princess!" A gruff voice hollered. Boots pounded on the dirt behind her.

    Prim skidded around a corner, breathing heavily. A shot pinged off a door hinge just behind her. She turned another corner and smacked into a dark and imposing man. Caleb hauled her to her feet and shoved her behind him. The pirate rounded the corner and slammed into Caleb's fist. Caleb kicked him back against a wall and struck the butt of his pistol against the man's head. The pirate crumpled.

    "Thank you," Prim murmured.

    "What are you doing here?" Caleb demanded.

    "I was looking for you. All of you."

    "Of course. Let's go." He grabbed her shoulder and shoved her along in front of him.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

    "Where is my daughter?"

    Caspian didn't reply as Alexander Claremonte lashed out with the whip. Blood dribbled down his back and the reopened wounds stung fiercely. Caspian gritted his teeth and blinked back the tears that sprang into his eyes.

    "I know she found out you're here. Tristan Farrel told me himself when she left my coronation ball. Now, she's gone and she hasn't been home all night. Where is she?" The whip snaked through his riven skin again.

    Caspian clamped his mouth shut against a scream. "I would think you'd be tired of this by now," Alexander sneered.

    "Believe it or not," Caspian grunted, "you're not the first man to have whipped me."

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