42. Unhinged Madness

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"Primalia Gretchen Claremonte, where have you been?" Verity demanded. She stormed towards Prim and Ms. Harriet while balancing a wailing Thomas on her hip.

"I went to see a friend, as I asked Hilde to tell you," Prim replied simply. She motioned to Ms. Harriet.

"Harriet Tavish, Ma'am." Ms. Harriet dropped into a curtsy. "I'm sorry to have kept Prim away for so long. I had a few errands to run and she offered to help. It grew late so I asked her to stay with me overnight."

"Primalia has never mentioned your name before," Verity sniffed.

Prim rolled her eyes. "You just weren't listening, Mama. Come along, Ms. Harriet. I'll see about getting you a room."

"When you've helped your...friend...get settled, come to your father's office," Verity said. "There's something we must discuss." Prim nodded and Ms. Harriet followed her up the stairs. Thomas continued to shriek as they walked away.

"Well, she seems to be an acquired taste," Ms. Harriet huffed.

"One that I haven't developed," Prim agreed. "In here." She opened the door to her room. Kitty and Coralyn sat on the bed. Kitty was retying her green ribbon around Benny's neck.

She looked up as Prim and Ms. Harriet entered. Kitty slid off the bed, running to Prim. Prim caught her in a hug. "You were gone so long!" Kitty whispered.

"Not that long. I had a few things to take care of, but you don't need to worry about it," Prim replied. She kissed Kitty's forehead. "Did you behave for Hilde and Coralyn?"

Kitty nodded. "Auntie Cora to me to an art studio and they showed me how to use watercolors." She pulled a thick sheet of paper out of her notebook and showed Prim. She'd painted Benny. "See?"

"It looks just like him," Ms. Harriet said. Kitty smiled and gave her a small hug too.

"Emilia has spent most of her time at the..." Prim cleared her throat, interrupting Coralyn and shooting a pointed look at Kitty. "She's spent most of her time doing her healer duties?" Coralyn finished hesitantly.

"I'll meet with her later. Father and Mama wanted to speak to me about something," Prim sighed. She pressed another kiss atop Kitty's curls and left the room.

Prim made her way down to her father's main office. She paused outside the door, hearing muffled voices from within. She couldn't place whose they were. Prim knocked and entered quietly. Lady Farrel and Tristan sat on chairs across from Alexander and Verity. Distrust weighed heavily on her mind as she closed the door.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Prim asked.

"Yes." Alexander rose. "It was very immature of you to leave without telling anyone where you were going and how long you would be gone."

Prim crossed her arms. "I told Hilde that I was visiting a friend and might be gone overnight. Either she forgot to tell you, or you forgot to listen as usual."

"What are you wearing?" Tristan snorted. "You look like a pirate." Alexander flashed him a warning look. Tristan fell silent.

The weight of the pistol, still hidden beneath her vest, was suddenly heavy. I'm more of a pirate than you think, Prim grumbled to herself.

"Oh, get on with it. This has been put off long enough," Lady Farrel snapped.

"Primalia, Tristan has asked for your hand in marriage and we've accepted," Alexander said.

"I'm sorry?"

"You'll be married following the execution of Caspian Flynn." Alexander watched her through narrowed eyes, waiting for her reaction.

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