35. Shackles

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Kitty held Prim's hand tightly as they walked along the harbor. So far, they hadn't been noticed. Prim wasn't bothering to keep them out of sight anymore. She stared out over the Gulf. She couldn't see the longboat anywhere, but the Leviathan still bobbed in the waves a ways away.

"Who goes there?" A gruff voice shouted. An officer and a guard approached them.

"Primalia Claremonte," Prim said, somehow managing to find her voice.

"Miss Claremonte?" They ran to her and Kitty. "Are you all right, Miss?"

"How did you escape?"

"Are the pirates coming after you?"

Prim held up a hand. "No questions, please. I need to see my parents."

"Of course. Your family has been living at the palace for the past week. There has been a lot going on." The officer waved a hand to the second. "Have a carriage brought around. Quickly!" The guard scurried off.

"What has been going on?" Prim asked. Kitty hovered near her legs, holding Benny tightly.

"King Nikolaus passed away six days ago. His funeral is tomorrow. Your father's coronation will be four days after that."

Prim blinked, surprised. Caspian was five days away from receiving my ransom. What will the crew do to him when they realize he let me go? She swallowed. "I see."

"Your parents will be relieved to see you," the officer continued. "Kingsmen ships have been sailing around Valence since you were taken, hoping for a chance to rescue you."

Hooves clattered on the stone street beyond the docks. A carriage rolled into view. The officer led Prim and Kitty up to it and opened the door for them. As soon as they were situated, the guards hopped onto the back of the carriage and they started off.

"Where are we going, Mama?" Kitty whispered.

"The palace, I suppose. That's where my family is."

"Will they let me stay?" Kitty looked up, her gaze somewhat fearful.

Prim squeezed her shoulders. "Yes. You'll stay with me."

"I miss Papa."

Prim's heart faltered. "I do too." She combed her fingers through Kitty's curls. The girl rested her head on Prim's shoulders as the carriage jolted along.

Presently, they came to a stop. The door was opened and Prim found herself standing before the palace entrance. They started up the stairs with the guards close behind. The doors opened before they even reached them.

Verity Claremonte ran towards them. Hilde followed her, carrying Thomas. "Primalia!" Verity exclaimed. She pulled Prim into a loose hug. "It's so good to have you home." She grimaced with a sniff. "You smell awful. Have you not bathed at all since you left?" Verity's gaze fell to Kitty. "And who is this little urchin?"

Prim held Kitty tight against herself. "This is Kitty, Mama. She is my daughter."

Verity cocked her head, giving Prim a quizzical look. "Your daughter? My dear, you know nothing about raising children. She'll stay the night and then I'll have Hilde take her to a children's home tomorrow."

"You will do no such thing," Prim replied as Kitty whimpered. "She will stay with me." She picked Kitty up. Kitty held Benny with one hand and wrapped her free arm around Prim's neck. "I'll explain everything in the morning, Mama. Right now, we need to rest."

Verity stared at her a moment longer, then nodded. "Of course. Hilde, I suppose you may resume your old duties." Verity took Thomas, cooing to him. "Your sister has come home, Thomas! Isn't that wonderful?" She bustled off as Thomas began to scream.

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