14. Revolving Thoughts

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    There was much work to be done before they could sail for Port. Holes lined the Leviathan's hull. Captain Flynn put several men to work patching them as best they could. More sailors were stuck mending sails. Others had to clean debris off the decks. By the second morning following the battle, the Leviathan was looking a little better.

    Prim and Kitty busied themselves in the galley. Nearly everything had fallen out of place during the battle. Only the furniture, which was bolted to the floor, remained in place. Prim stacked several dishes in a crate and returned it to its usual spot. Across the room, Kitty was picking up spoiled food and tossing it into a barrel.

    "It's a good thing we'll be leaving soon," Prim sighed. "I think more than half of our supplies were ruined." Kitty nodded her agreement.

    "Can you make it last until we get there?" She turned, spying Captain Flynn at the foot of the stairs.

    "Of course." Prim picked up her dull knife. Blood and a few strands of hair clung to it. She fought the urge to gag. Caspian took the knife and wiped it clean for her. "Why aren't all pirates allies?"

    "Because it's every pirate's dream to rule the seas, but only one can ever achieve that goal." He crouched down and began to sift through overturned crates. "I'm on friendlier terms with some pirates than I am with others. Kieran Blight isn't overly fond of me. Neither is Mallory Archer. Kieran hates me because I'm the Pirate King and I'm only twenty-six. Mallory hates me because she wants me."

    "She's one of the five Pirate Lords?" He nodded. "Why don't you accept her, then? That seems like it would be advantageous."

    Caspian gave her a wry smile. "I'm not into older women. If I ever married one of the Pirate Lords, I'd probably pick Kalifa Venus. She's two years older than me and the newest Pirate Lord."

    "I see. What are your relationships with the others?"

    "Malcolm Hugo respects me. Scarlet Minx...I don't associate with her much. We're not allies but we're not enemies."

    "Scarlet Minx," Prim laughed. "That's an interesting name."

    "Maybe you'll meet her someday and you can discuss the virtues of given names."

    "No thank you. Are you and the Pirate Lords always at odds?"

    Caspian shook his head. "Not always. We meet once a year under a truce to discuss business."

    Prim nodded. "My father won't be able to find us if we're in Orphic," she realized.

    He drew in a deep breath. "I've thought of that. We can't risk staying around Valence with the Leviathan in this condition. I'm not willing to have my ship and crew gunned down."

    "I can't wrap my mind around it. Why hasn't Father at least sent a letter in reply? Surely there's something he could be doing. You still haven't heard anything from him, though?" He shook his head again. Prim rubbed her forehead. "I know there are things he can't give until he's King, but..."

    "I know."

    "And I've thought more about what you said." Prim looked back at Kitty. "Even if Father paid the ransom, I...I don't know if I'd want to go back."


    "I want to see my family, of course, but I have discovered some small part of freedom out here." She bit her lip. "And then there's Kitty. When I ran away and you brought me back, she wrote something down for me. She wrote 'You left me.' I don't want her to feel as though I've betrayed her."

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