34. Resigned to Separation

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    The ship took on a somber mood over the next three days. Kitty didn't come out of the galley even once. Prim sat with her and made meals on her own. She sighed as she wiped the last of the supper dishes dry.

    Kitty stroked Benny's fuzzy ears while looking through her sketchbook. She paused on her favorite drawing of Pops. She rested a finger on his charcoal cheek. Kitty's lip trembled and she snapped the book shut.

    Prim put the dishes in their crate and joined Kitty. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" She asked. Kitty shook her head. Prim wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. "I'm going up. Come find me if you need me." She mounted the stairs with a yawn.

    Caspian sat at his desk when she entered their cabin. He was staring at his adoption papers again. Prim rested her hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek. "We'll reach Valence tomorrow," he said.

    "Have we run into any ships?"

    "No, but I haven't had our flags raised." He looked back at her. "I'm not ransoming you."

    "What do you mean?" Prim knelt down, bracing a hand on his knee.

    "I'm going to take you to Valencia tomorrow night," Caspian said. "And the crew and I will leave."

    "What?" Prim's mouth fell open. "But what about everything you promised the crew? Do they know about this? What about Kitty? I won't leave her behind."

    "No, you won't. Kitty will go with you." Caspian closed his eyes, swallowing. "I'll take you two to shore and that will be the end of it."

    "Does the crew know?"


    Prim stood abruptly. "Forget it. I'm not going anywhere."

    "Prim, listen to me, please."

    She shook her head, turning away from him. "No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going back to Valencia. Kitty and I aren't leaving."

    He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her towards him. "Yes, you are. I can't let you stay. Not when it will cost you your lives." Prim began to interrupt, but Caspian continued. "This life is not meant for you and Kitty. You don't deserve this."

    "No," Prim stabbed her finger into his chest. "No, you told me you loved me."

    "I do love you. That's why I'm doing this. I love you and Kitty and I don't want you to stay somewhere where you'll be hurt."

    "No, you're afraid! You're being a coward!" Prim tried to turn away.

    Caspian grabbed her wrists, forcing her to remain still. "Damn it, yes. I'm a coward. I'm afraid. They shot you, Prim. They bloody shot you and that could have been the end of it. They tried to kidnap Kitty. If they had succeeded and learned what she really is..." He shook his head. "I'm terrified that if you stay, you will be killed, or worse. I'm taking you home and Kitty will go with you."

    "You are my home. This ship is my home."

    "No, your home is in Valencia, where your parents can protect you."

    "You can protect me. I can protect myself. I can learn more than I have. Kitty and I aren't leaving," Prim protested.

    "Yes, you are."

    "Why are you so afraid, Caspian? Why are you willing to send me away?" Prim lifted a hand to his cheek. He leaned into her touch. "What happened to them? What happened to you?"

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