21. Nothingness

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The ball wore on for several hours. Caspian stuck close to Arely, ignoring the curious looks they received. He hadn't seen Prim since he left her on the balcony. Caspian swiped another wine glass of a servant's tray. He downed it in one gulp.

"Where did your wife scamper off to, Captain?" Arely asked, linking her arm with his. "She's not butchering some unsuspecting gentleman, is she?"

"I'd tell you if I knew."

Arely looked around, tugging a golden curl over her shoulder. "I haven't seen her for several hours, at least. Maybe she left."

"Maybe." Caspian ran his fingers through his hair, guilt pricking beneath his skin. I wouldn't blame her.

"Is it possible that she left with someone?" Arely asked innocently. "The last time I saw her, she was dancing with that Griffin boy."

Caspian gritted his teeth at the thought. "Why does it matter to you?" He pulled his arm away.

"I'm simply trying to..."

"Worm your way into my bed tonight?" Caspian scoffed. "As usual. Find another partner, Arely. I kept my promise. I owe you nothing more." He strode off, leaving her fuming with rage behind him.

Caspian worked his way through the ballroom until he found Charlie. He slapped a hand onto Charlie's shoulder, smirking at the group surrounding him. "Excuse us for a minute," Charlie muttered. He stood, crossing his arms. "How can I help you, Captain?"

"Where's Prim?"

"She left."

Caspian tensed. If she tried to run again...he pushed the thought aside. "She left alone?"

"No, I went with her. I took her where she wanted to go and came back."

"Where is it she wanted to go?"

"Why do you ask?" Charlie narrowed his eyes.

"I'd like to know that my hostage isn't on another ship bound for Valence at this moment," Caspian hissed. Tell me she's safe. Tell me she didn't leave with some stranger because of me.

"She hasn't left the city. Don't worry."

"Tell me where she is."


Caspian raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"No, Captain. I don't think she wants to see you right now." Charlie held his gaze. Caspian nodded after a moment and backed away.

She must have seen me with Arely, he thought. Good. Caspian stepped outside on another balcony. He braced his hands on the stone railings, staring at the sea in the distance. He sighed, running a hand over his chin.

Guilt festered in the pit of his stomach. He attempted to staunch it, to no avail. "I should never have given in," Caspian murmured. "I almost kissed her." No, he had kissed her, just not on the lips. Stars help him, but he wanted to do it again.

Maybe if I tell her why I pulled away, she'll forgi...He stopped himself abruptly. Nothing can come of us. Nothing. I can't forget that. I almost did tonight. Nothing can happen.

Caspian drummed his fingers against the stone. What would my family think about this? They would all be upset somehow. Mor would tell me I should have just explained myself to her. Mother would be disappointed with how I've treated her. So would Father. Georgie...his heart clenched, thinking of his youngest sister.

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