39. A Healer's Touch

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    Prim lay awake that night, concocting a fully fledged plan. By sunrise, she was itching to enact it. Prim pulled a rope that hung near her bed. Minutes later, her door opened.

    "Miss Claremonte?" Hilde whispered.

    "Hilde, can you bring me the clothes I arrived in?" Prim asked.

    Hilde furrowed her brows, but nodded. She ducked out of the room. Prim slid out of bed, careful not to disturb Kitty or Benny. She threw her hair back in a ponytail and waited for Hilde to return.

    Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long. Hilde returned with her vest, shirt, pants, and even her boots. Prim changed quickly. "I won't be back until late this evening," she said. "Maybe not until tomorrow. When Kitty wakes up, make sure she does her lessons."

    "What should I tell her if she asks where you've gone?"

    "Tell her that I'm meeting up with a few friends. You can tell my parents that too."

    "Yes, my lady."

    Hilde asked no more questions. Prim tucked a small pouch of gold marks into her pocket. She kissed Kitty's forehead and ducked out of the room. The hallways were deserted except for the occasional guard and servant. Prim reached the exit to the stables.

    The stable hands were already awake. They were quick to saddle a horse. One of the boys led the horse over and helped Prim mount. She gave him a grateful smile and rode off.

    Emilia's house was in a quiet part of the city. Only a few people were up and walking around. Prim reached Emilia's house and dismounted long enough to knock. Emilia answered the door, dressed and bearing a basket of supplies on her arm. She mounted the horse behind Prim.

    "Explain this all to me again?" Emilia asked as they rode off.

    "There's a young man at the Crypt who is very sick. The Warden said no doctors will agree to treat any of the inmates. I asked if he'd allow someone to treat Amos if I could persuade them to come and the Warden agreed."

    "And...why, exactly, is Amos a prisoner at the Crypt?"

    "His father left their family in debt when he joined Caspian's crew. Amos was arrested in his stead. Caspian tried to free him, but he refused. He wanted his father to pay off his debts and free Amos the right way. Caspian did what he could to make Jebediah pay off the debts, but it was never enough."

    "How long has Amos been in prison?"

    Prim ran the numbers in her head. Pops said Amos is about Caspian's age and he was arrested when he was eighteen. She pursed her lips. "Seven or eight years."

    Emilia shook her head with a sigh. "An innocent man should not have to bear consequences like that for so long." She sifted through her basket. "And what did you say his symptoms were?"

    "I don't know, exactly. All I could see was that he was coughing up blood. He's very malnourished."

    Emilia gritted her teeth. "I'll do what I can, but I'm not an expert."

    "Thank you."

    They reached the Crypt presently. The guards halted them at the gates. "State your business," the guard said.

    "I need to speak with the Warden," Prim answered. "I've brought a doctor to tend to one of the inmates."

    The guard jerked his head towards the prison. Prim rode through the gate and reined the horse back at the guard's behest. He disappeared into the prison. When he returned, the Warden was with him.

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