7. Take a Chance

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    Prim stacked the last of the dishes in a crate. Kitty was busy with her lessons as usual. From overhead came the shouts of the crewmen as they brought the Leviathan closer to shore. Prim glanced up, hearing the order to prepare the longboat.

    "I'm going to work on your dress updeck, Kitty. The light is better," Prim lied. "Keep up with your lesson." Kitty smiled and gave her a quick nod. Guilt stabbed at her heart, seeing the happiness in the girl's abnormally green eyes. Prim pushed it aside and climbed the stairs. Sentiment or freedom, Prim? She asked herself. Which is more important to you? The guilt lingered. Despite her aversion to children, she'd begun to like Kitty.

    The deck was swarming with activity. Several men pushed the longboat onto its platform. More began to crank a wheel. The pulley system lifted the longboat off the deck and swung it over the side of the ship. Prim scanned the shoreline, trying to pinpoint their location. Dozens of ships, both large and small, filled the harbor waters. The city itself was nothing spectacular. There was no palace in sight, meaning it wasn't Valencia.

    Prim looked back at the longboat. It had been fastened into place right beneath the ship's rails. No sailors stood near it. She inched her way towards it, her mouth going dry. No one had noticed her yet. Prim gathered her skirts and slipped down between the ship's railing. She landed in the longboat with a soft thump. Prim grabbed a tarp and hunkered down near the front of the longboat. She pulled the tarp over herself, preparing to wait.

    A few minutes later, footsteps approached from above. The longboat rocked as someone jumped into it. Prim stayed as still as possible. "We're ready, Captain," Caleb hollered.

    "Prim is still in the galley?" Captain Flynn asked. The boat shook again. Prim guessed he had jumped down as well.

    "Aye, Sir. Pops will check on her later."

    "Good. Come on, Gents. We're wasting daylight!"

    More bodies thudded onto the floor of the longboat. Benches creaked as they sat down. The pulley squeaked. Prim didn't dare draw a full breath. The longboat was lowered until it splashed into the water. They rowed towards shore. Prim listened, hoping someone would say where they were. The men were silent.

    At last, they docked. The boat groaned as the men disembarked. "Jesp, mind the boat," Captain Flynn ordered. Their footsteps receded shortly.

    "Why do I always have to stay with the boat?" Jesp grumbled.

    If he's the only one here, it should be easy to slip away, Prim thought. Jesp will have to choose between watching the boat or chasing me. I'll wait a few minutes longer to make sure the others are out of range.

    Of course, she didn't know how many crewmen had come in total. They'd be searching for her as soon as they knew she was gone. That doesn't matter, Prim told herself. I'll find a place to hide and a way to get out of this city and back to Valencia. Her heart pounded as she waited. She was sure Jesp could hear it.

    Prim leaped to her feet suddenly, throwing the tarp over Jesp. He shouted, but Prim was already on the dock and running. She risked a glance back in time to see him cast the tarp aside. "Caleb!" He hollered. "Captain!"

    Prim didn't see them anywhere in the crowd of merchants. She ran faster, ducking down corners and swinging through alleyways. Finally, her breath came in short gasps and she was forced to walk. She found herself in a bustling market street. People were selling all kinds of food, clothing, and supplies.

    "Pearls for a pirate?" An old lady hollered.

    "I've got three bags of peaches here. I take gold, silver, jewels, and overnight invitations!" Another man chortled.

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