28. An Evening of Laughter

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    Kitty's mouth fell open in delight as Prim held the kitten out to her. She took the kitten gently and stroked its fuzzy forehead. The kitten blinked at her and began to purr. Kitty hugged Prim with one arm, then Caspian.

    "What are you going to name him?" Ms. Harriet asked.

    "Benny," Kitty answered softly. A look of surprise flickered across Pops' face. Kitty pulled her green ribbon out of her hair and tied it around Benny's neck. Benny curled up in her lap as she picked up her sketchbook and sat down.

    "Caleb stopped by while you were gone," Pops said. "The storm is still sitting where we left it. He thinks it will clear up in a day or two."

    "All right. We sent a letter to Prim's father so hopefully that will spark a response," Caspian replied.

    Prim lingered near Kitty as the two men walked off, speaking quietly. Kitty held out her sketchbook. Prim looked over the drawing of Ms. Harriet and Pops. "It looks wonderful. I'm sure they'll love it."

    "She hasn't let us look at it yet," Ms. Harriet huffed.

    "You'll be pleased, Ms. Harriet," Prim laughed.

    "I'm sure I will. Now, come here and tell me which fabric I should use for my wedding gown."

    Prim sat down beside the large woman. Ms. Harriet spread two pieces of fabric across their laps. "I'm not a traditional bride so I don't want to wear any shade of white. Not ivory, not cream, not butter."

    "Butter?" Prim snorted.

    "Baby's breath blue or daffodil yellow?" Ms. Harriet asked.

    "Yellow," Prim replied. "It will look nice against your hair."

    Ms. Harriet patted her peppered brown locks self consciously. "Yes, I suppose it will. Thank you, Dear." She folded up the cloth and set it aside. "Pops mentioned he had some concerns about Captain Flynn."

    "Why? What are they?" Prim asked.

    "He said the Captain had been avoiding you. Treating you differently. You were arguing more and such. It worried Pops because you had been getting along so well." Ms. Harriet didn't so much as look at Prim. She picked up a piece of needlepoint and set to work. "Pops loves that boy as his own. He hated to see him so upset, but I take it things are better now?"

    Kitty leaned closer, obviously listening. "We had a few things to work out, and we're still smoothing out a few knots." Prim smiled to herself. "But yes, things are better." Kitty smiled too and stroked Benny's fur.

    "Good. I'm glad my young suitor has found someone just as lovely as myself, now that I'm unavailable," Ms. Harriet snorted, elbowing Prim. "You'll be able to pass as his wife more easily now, I imagine." She winked and resumed her needlepoint.

    "You know who I really am?" Prim's eyes widened.

    "Aye. I knew who you were when we first met. Don't worry, though. Captain Flynn might not trust me but his feelings are misplaced. I wouldn't sell him out. Not for all the gold in the world."

    "Well, thank you for helping secure our cover story."

    "Of course, Dear. I expect you to be my bridesmaid as payment."

    Prim laughed. "I'm sure that can be arranged."

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

    The evening passed quietly. Following supper, Pops, Ms. Harriet, and Kitty all went into town. Kitty had been nervous about leaving Benny behind, but Ms. Harriet had placed a bowl of cream near his basket and promised that he'd sleep soundly until Kitty returned.

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