27. Marketplace

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    Prim leaned over the desk, working on her letter. Caspian sat across from her. He ran his thumb over the blade of a knife. Behind him, Kitty was sketching Pops and Ms. Harriet.

    Prim stifled a laugh, taking in Pops' appearance. Ms. Harriet had dressed him up in an outrageous suit and hat. Caspian smiled, shaking his head. "Don't laugh. He's embarrassed enough as it is."

    "The things he does for that woman," Prim said. "Will this letter get to Valence before we do?"

    "I'm sending it by witch. It will be in your father's hands ten minutes after you finish it."

    Prim's thoughts drifted to the witch she'd seen in Latro. "What are witches, exactly? I saw one in Latro and she spoke to me without actually speaking to me. She told me that I'd been with someone like her. There was danger in my future and I had to return."

    "That was when you tried to run?" She nodded. "Maybe she was telling you to return to the Leviathan," Caspian replied. "And one like her..." he lowered his voice. "Kitty."

    "But you said Kitty is a Scindo."

    "She is. Scindoes are half human, half Faerie. Witches have Faerie blood in their veins. Usually, a witch is born from a Scindo and from there, witches are born into that family every few generations."

    "So that's why they have magic." Caspian nodded. "May I come with you when you deliver the letter?"

    He shrugged. "If you want to."

    Prim finished up the letter and passed it to him. Caspian skimmed over it. Prim folded and sealed the letter after receiving his approving nod. Caspian tucked it into his pocket and stood.

    "Where are you off to?" Ms. Harriet asked.

"Just into town," Caspian replied. "We have some errands to run."

    "Have fun," Pops called with a grin. He shifted and Ms. Harriet swatted his leg.

    "Stop fidgeting. I think you've never sat for a portrait before."

    "I haven't."

    "Well, that explains why I don't have any miniatures of you. We'll have to remedy that."

    Caspian and Prim laughed as Pops' groan echoed behind them. Prim lifted her skirt as they started down the stairs. Ms. Harriet had supplied her with a number of dresses for their stay in town. Prim had to admit that she was growing more fond of her usual pants and shirt. All the same, she didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb.

    They left the mansion and walked through the streets at an easy pace. Everyone they met gave them respectful smiles and bows. "How did the infamous Captain Flynn make himself so beloved in this city?" Prim asked.

    "Before Port was under my protection, it was a target for many of the Pirate Lords. I decided it would be nice to have a safe city for my forces in my home country. I met with the Human Governors, made them an offer, and they accepted. The people didn't like us at first, but when they realized that we weren't here to harm them or raid their town, they were quick to accept us."

    "What deal did you make? Pops told me that some of your ships patrol Orphic's borders."

    "Aye, that was part of the deal. I received jurisdiction over Port and the harbor. I made the Governors promise that my men and I would be safe whenever we docked here. In exchange, my forces protect Orphic's harbors from raids." Caspian smirked to himself. "The Governors were desperate to secure their cities. They hired a pirate to protect them from pirates."

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