Showdown in Pewter City

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Y/N and Misty arrive to Pewter City at last, where Y/N aims to win his first Gym Badge. They are making their way along an unpaved stone road somewhere nearby. Having finally escaped Viridian Forest Y/N is delighted to see Pewter City stretched out before him as he leaps up onto a rock to sit on it.

Misty: Yay! Pewter city!

Misty says while standing next to a rock where Y/N is sitting on.

Y/N: Finally!

Y/N says while panting and catching his breath. They then hear a low mumbling voice.

???: Pewter City is grey, the color of stone, this town has always been famous.... for stone.

Looking down in surprise, the kids find themselves staring at a sitting man in aforementioned red beanie and brown beard, wearing a very short-sleeved yellow shirt from 1983 and green pants from 1972, along with worn brown shoes, shabby gloves and deeply tanned skin. He actually looks like  some kind of homeless man. There is also collection of rocks sitting on a shelf beside him. Who else but a bum or a highly educated geologist would collect and display rocks?

Y/N: Huh? What the.... who's that guy?

Misty: Never met him.

???: The names Flint, and you're sitting on some of my merchandise, young man.

Y/N: Oh, sorry.

Y/N gasps, leaping up before he takes a closer look around and notices the price labels affixed to the displayed rocks.

Y/N: Uhhh, you mean you sell rocks?

Flint: They're Pewter City souvenirs, wanna buy some?

Y/N: No thanks. But could you tell us where the Pokemon center is?

Flint: Sure, follow me. I'll show you where it is.

Flint says, while getting up and walking away.

Y/N and Misty: Thanks!

Flint: By the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rocks.

Y/N and Misty: Gaaaah!

Y/N and Misty yell, falling flat on their faces.

Time skip

A short time later we find the kids and Flint at the massive Pokemon Center in Pewter City. It's certainly much larger than the one in Viridian City. Right now, Y/N is giving his Pokemons to Nurse Joy to take care of.

Y/N: Please revitalize my Pokemon.

Y/N asks Nurse Joy, sliding his Pokemon to her on a tray.

Y/N asks Nurse Joy, sliding his Pokemon to her on a tray

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Nurse Joy: Sure, right away Y/N!

Y/N: Huh? Didn't we meet back in Viridian city?

Nurse Joy: The Joy in Viridian City is my little sister. I'm the older Joy.

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