Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon

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Y/N and his friends find themselves in beautiful Grandpa Canyon. Our heroes will soon discover that this natural wonder holds an ancient secret. Our heroes come to a stop on the path as they notice a large group of people heading into the canyon with picks in hand.

Y/N: Hey, what's going on down there? 

Misty: I wonder what everyone is doing with those picks and shovels.

Y/N: Well, my guess is that they are looking for fossils. 

???: And you would be right.

Our heroes look behind them and spot Gary wearing an outfit similar to that of Indiana Jones and with a pick in hand.

Gary: Sup Y/N.

Y/N: Sup Gary. Why are you dressed like that?

Gary: Like the rest of those people, I'm here looking for some fossils as well. 

Soon Gary's personal cheer leading squad shows up and cheers him on. 

Gary: Thank you! Thank you to all my loyal fans!

Gary: I gotta go. I gotta find all the fossils quick before anyone else does! 

And he runs off with his cheer leading squad following him. Y/N then gets an idea.

Y/N: Hey guys. Why don't we go look for fossils as well?

Brock: I don't feel right about digging up old Pokemon fossils, especially after they've been resting in the earth for such a long time.

Misty: If they've been lying underground for thousands of years, maybe they'd like a little fresh air.

Y/N: Yeah, I don't think they need air anymore. 


Later, everyone in Grandpa Canyon are seen digging for Pokemon fossils, including Gary, who soon finds something. 

Gary: Success! My first Pokemon fossil!

Gary's cheerleaders celebrate as the lead paleontologist takes Gary's find and examines it.

Gary: Impressive, isn't it? Found it on my first try. Looks like a brain from an extinct Pokemon.

???: This is..

Gary: A brain?

???: It's fossilized Pokemon manure.

Gary falls over in disbelief while his cheerleaders react in disgust while our heroes watch from a cliff.

Y/N: Whoa. Look at all the people digging.

Ivysaur: Saur. (Wow.)

Pikachu: Pika. (Wow.)

Eevee: Vee. (Wow.)

Misty: We better hurry before all the fossils are dug up.

Brock: All these people digging, but nobody's found any fossils yet. I wonder if this Great Fossil Rush is really for real.

Before our heroes can head down further into the canyon, the familiar voice of Meowth is heard, getting our heroes' attention.

Meowth: What's taking those two so long? Humans. The only thing you can depend on is they're always undependable.

Soon, Jessie and James pop up behind a rock.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Yes, and make it double!

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