Pokemon Scent-sation!

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Y/N and his friends arrive in Celadon City, the great metropolis renowned both for its tall buildings, and it's good scents. Ivysaur then smells something.

Ivysaur: Saur! (Smell that!)

Brock soon catches the scent, along with Misty and Y/N.

Brock: Something smells heavenly!

Misty: Perfume.

Y/N: I can smell it too.

Brock then follows the scent like a Growlithe.

Y/N: Wait, Brock! Where you going?


Brock managed to find a source of the smell and is currently pressing his face against the window.

Y/N: Brock, what are you doing?

Brock: My nose tells me that this is my kind of town!

Y/N looks inside through the window and understands why Brock is acting all strange. The shop is a perfume shop and is full of beautiful girls, all around their age or older. Y/N's eyes turn into hearts and he presses his own face against the window as well.

Brock: I think we should stay here a while.

Y/N: Yeah, let's stay here. We have nowhere to rush.

Misty on the other hand didn't like the idea of Y/N around pretty girls. She pouted and her face was red from anger. So she grabbed his ear and pulled him away from the glass.

Misty: Oh no you don't! You have a gym battle to go to!

Y/N looked at her confused.

Y/N: Gym battle? What gym battle?

Misty just stared at him with 'are you serious' look. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She turned to Ivysaur.

Misty: Ivysaur, can you help me around here?

Ivysaur: Saur! (Sure!)

The grass starter used Vine Whip and hit his trainer in the face a few times. And with that, Y/N came back to his senses.

Y/N: Oh right! The gym battle!

He turns to Ivysaur.

Y/N: Let's go to Pokemon Center first.

He then turns to Misty.

Y/N: Hey Misty, can you watch over Brock?

He said and motioned to Brock, who is still drooling at the window.

Misty: I'll make sure he behaves.

Y/N: Good! See you at the gym!

He said and ran off with Ivysaur following him.


Y/N and Ivysaur are walking around the town, trying to find a Pokemon Center.

Ivysaur: Ivysaur Saur Ivysaur? (So who are you gonna use on your gym battle?)

Y/N: I was thinking about using Charmander, Spearow and Pidgeotto. Erika is a grass type trainer, so those three should give me an advantage.

Ivysaur nodded as he understood what he meant. Their walk was interrupted when they heard a voice.

???: Vee vee? (Anyone there?)

The two stopped and looked around for the source of the sound.

Y/N: Did you hear that buddy?

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