Pokemon Shipwreck

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Holy Titanic!! Just as a Pokemon pirating plan is prevented by Y/N and his friends, catastrophe strikes the St. Anne! The cruise ship capsizes with them trapped on board! Team Rocket also faces the same horrible fate as the once proud St. Anne plunges deeper and deeper into the depths of the sea! Could this be how it ends?!

The Next Morning

The storm has past and morning has come. A police boat arrived at the sight where the St. Anne capsized. However, it's not a search party, it's a memorial. The police believe our heroes to be dead.

Officer Jenny: At first, we thought that all the passengers had gotten safely off the ship, but we just discovered that 5 people are missing. Y/N, Misty, Brock, Jessie and James. It makes all of us sad to think that these young Pokemon trainers had their promising careers cut tragically short. May these flowers honor your memory.

She tosses the flowers into the sea.

Officer Jenny: A salute!

She salutes and all the police officers also salute as the trumpet players play "Taps" as a final farewell.

However, down near the bottom of the sea, Y/N is still unconscious and Brock, Misty and Bulbasaur are trying to wake him up.

Brock: Hey, Y/N! Answer me!

Misty: Wake up, Y/N! Wake up!

Bulbasaur: Saur Bulbasaur. (Please wake up, Y/N.)

Y/N: Wha?

Y/N finally opens his eyes to notice that Brock, Misty and Bulbasaur are standing on a ceiling upside down.

Brock: Hey, are you feeling okay, Y/N?

Y/N: Wha? Oh, brother! What are you talking about "am I feeling okay"? You guys are the ones who are upside down.

Misty: You're definitely the one upside down.

Y/N: Huh?

He realizes that Misty is right. The entire room was upside down. He was just hanging in the table by his backpack.

Misty: Look out!

Y/N falls and lands on Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur. (I got you.)

Y/N: Will someone tell me what in the world happened?

Misty: Just take a look out the window.

He does that and sees water Pokemon just swimming about.

Y/N: Huh? Water Pokemon swimming? This can't be! But that must mean, that this ship has sunk!

With Team Rocket

Meanwhile, Jessie and James are in a dream state where they believe themselves to be on a beach sunbathing.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie and James: To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James, with a perfect tan.

Jessie: There's nothing like a tropical vacation.

James: The blue sea.

Jessie: The white sand.

James: And the blazing sun above.

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