The Misty Mermaid

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Today, we join Y/N, Misty and Brock at the entrance to Viridian City. Now that Y/N has won a Volcano badge at Cinnabar gym, he set his sight on the Earth badge here. They are sitting by the fountain. Y/N is looking something from his back pack and Brock is reading the map while Misty is observing Horsea with a worried look o her face.

Misty: Hmmm...

Horsea: Hor sea..... (I don't feel so good...)

Y/N: Hey Misty, what's the matter?

Misty: It's about Horsea. It doesn't look so good.

Y/N: Huh?

Brock: What's wrong?

The two peer at Horsea, who looked very sad.

Y/N: It looks bluer than its color would give off.

Brock: Maybe it needs more exercise. Once in a while, you should make sure it gets to swim around in something bigger than a dinky little fountain.

Y/N: But we're not near the ocean or any lakes. Not even a pond.

Misty: And I can't exactly carry a big fish tank around on my back.

Brock: If only there was an aquarium around here.

Everyone began to think.

Misty: Hey! I know where to go! There's a huge pool back home.

Y/N: Right! The pool at the Cerulean gym your sisters are running.

Brock: Good idea, and Cerulean City isn't far from here.

Misty: Horsea does need exercise, and I haven't been home for a while, so, why not?

Y/N: There's a phone nearby we can use to call your sisters.

And so, our heroes decide to make a brief detour to Cerulean City to get Horsea some exercise and to visit Misty's sisters. She walks up to telephone pole and picks up the phone to call her sisters.

Misty: *to phone* How are you? We're coming to visit.


The group finally made it to the Cerulean gym.

Misty: Well, everyone, here we are. The Cerulean gym.

Y/N: Great, now Horsea can have a great, long swim.

Eevee and Pikachu then notice a billboard in front of them.

Eevee: Vee Vee? (What's that?)

Pikachu: Pika Pika. (Look at this.)

The trio looks at the two Pokemon.

Y/N: What's the matter, guys?

They then look at the billboard Pikachu and Eevee were looking.

Brock: Hey, check out that billboard. Looks like there's some kind of show. Fantastic, exciting Underwater Ballet.

Y/N: It's an underwater ballet and a Pokemon show? Sounds like fun.

Misty: And look, a famous underwater star in her glorious return to Cerulean City.

Brock: She's beautiful.

Y/N: You know, if her hair was just a little bit different, that girl would almost look like you, Misty.

Misty blushed as she laughs nervously.

Brock: I would swim the deepest sea to meet a mermaid like her.

Pikachu: Pikachu! (I can't wait!)

Eevee: Eevee! (Me neither!)

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