Clefairy and The Moon Stone

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While traveling from Pewter to Cerulean City. Y/N, Misty, and Brock are hiking towards Mt. Moon, discussing the legend of a meteor made of Moon Stone crashing there in prehistoric times.

Misty: Mount Moon. Doesn't the name sound romantic?

Brock: People say that a huge meteor crashed into the mountain back in prehistoric times.

Y/N: A meteor?

Misty: Is it really true?

Brock: The meteor is called the Moon Stone.

Misty: Now that's romantic.

Suddenly, they heard a scream. They stop and look towards the direction of the scream.

Y/N: Look! Over there!

They rush to the source of the scream and find someone being attacked by a flock of  Zubat.

They rush to the source of the scream and find someone being attacked by a flock of  Zubat

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Y/N: Those are Zubat!

Misty: And they're attacking that guy!

Y/N got his Pokedex out.

Zubat, flying Pokémon with supersonic powers. Zubat live in caves and hate to fly outside in daylight.

Y/N: Not these Zubat.

He puts away his Pokedex and grabs Beedrill's Poke Ball and throws it while shouting.

Y/N: Beedrill, use Fury Attack on those Zubats!

Y/N: Beedrill, use Fury Attack on those Zubats!

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Beedrill comes out buzzing. And immediately flies towards the flock of Zubat with her stingers ready to strike. She managed to hit two Zubats, causing them fall on the ground unconscious and the rest of them to flee back in the cave. Except the two who are still unconscious. So both Brock and Y/N throw their Poke Balls at their respective Zubats and capture them. Meanwhile,  Misty is making sure that the guy in a lab coat was okay.

Misty: Are you okay?

Misty asks the guy. Y/N then walks up with Beedrill flying beside him and asks

Y/N: Hey, you okay?

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