Sparks Fly for Magnemite

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Our friends' journey leads them to a desolate factory town known as Gringy City. It's a depressing place where few people live, and even the ocean winds smell like sludge. Here, their next adventure begins.

Y/N: This is a really weird city. Lots of factories, but no people.

Misty checks her note book.

Misty: This place is called Gringy City.

Y/N: Gringy? Never heard of it.

Misty: It used to be a lively, busy place with all these factories here.

Brock: Yeah, they kinda went overboard with factories. Pollution ruined the air and the water here.

Y/N: I guess we won't find any Pokemon here.

Soon, Pikachu starts looking unwell, with sparks of electricity coming from his cheeks. Eevee notices this and informs their trainer.

Eevee: Vee? Eevee! (Uh, Y/N? Look!)

Y/N: Pikachu? What's wrong?

Pikachu starts falling over. 

Y/N: Pikachu!

Y/N catches Pikachu, but ends up getting shocked immediately as a mysterious Pokemon watches the gang from afar.

Short Timeskip

Soon Y/N, who is wearing rubber gloves to protect himself,  and our heroes rush to the Pokemon Center to find out what's wrong with Pikachu. 

Y/N: Hold on, Pikachu! We'll get you to the Pokemon Center as soon as we can!

They find the Pokemon Center and rush inside. Y/N then presses a button on the counter that rings for Nurse Joy. 

Y/N: Hey, Nurse! 

But she is nowhere to be seen. So he rings the bell two more times. 

Y/N: Hey, Nurse!

Soon, Nurse Joy comes out yawning. 

Nurse Joy: (yawn) Do you all have any idea just what time it is? Don't you know that you should be sleeping now?

Y/N: I'm sorry, but there's something really wrong with my Pikachu.

Nurse Joy: (yawns) A cold.

Y/N: Cold?! This is no cold! 

Nurse Joy: (yawns) There's no need to get excited. Look. Sparks are coming from its cheeks, right? That's an early symptom of a cold in electric rodent Pokemon. If you leave it here overnight, I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning.

Y/N: Excuse me, but are you, by any chance, the oddball in your family?

Nurse Joy: Oh, no. It's all my other relatives that are odd.

Everyone looks at her confused. 


Outside, in the polluted waters, a bunch of purple sludge creatures emerge. Creatures that are actually, Grimer.

 Creatures that are actually, Grimer

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