Gyarados Finally Listens! Yes!

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It has been almost a month when our friends met and saved Santa from Team Rocket. They are currently resting near a lake that was in the middle of the forest close to the ocean. From the lake a river is flowing to the ocean. Misty is the only one who is resting. Brock is making them some lunch and Y/N is training with his Pokemon, except Gyarados. He still hasn't gained it's trust.

Brock: Lunch is ready!

Misty quickly gets back up and runs to the table. Y/N turns to look his Pokemons.

Y/N: Okay guys, let's have a lunch break! And after that we continue training!

The Pokemons nodded and followed their trainer towards the table.


They ate their lunch and continued training. This time Misty was helping. But their peaceful training moment was ruined when something starter to rise from under the water. They turned to look what it was.

Brock: Huh?

Misty: What's that?

Y/N: I have a hunch and I hope I'm wrong.

He wasn't wrong. Under the water rose a five Gyarados. Four of them were blue while one of them was red. Probably the leader of the group. All of them led out a terrifying roars.


Brock and Misty: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Y/N: Oh come on!!!!

The five Gyarados were glaring at our heroes. Y/N quickly glanced at his Pokemons. They were all tired and not fit to battle five wild Gyarados. So even if he didn't want to, he had to release IT. So he crapped a Pokeball and threw it in the water.

Y/N: Gyarados, I choose you!

Brock and Misty stared at him like he was crazy. The ball opened up and Y/N's Gyarados burst out of the water and let out a roar.


It noticed the five other Gyarados and attacked with Hyper Beam. But they dodged. The red one used Ice Beam and fired it at Gyarados. The attack hit, pushing Gyarados back. Two of the blue ones dove under the water and swam towards Gyarados. They emerged and used Bite on it. Gyarados was now roaring in pain.


Y/N: Gyarados!

The five Gyarados backed up and began charging their Hyper Beams. They fired and the attacks were combined into a one powerful Hyper Beam. The beam struck Gyarados pushing towards the river. Gyarados tried to stay awake, but it couldn't. It fell unconscious and started flowing downstream towards the ocean. Y/N panicked and ran after it with Brock, Misty and his Pokemons following.

Y/N: Gyarados!

He jumped in the water and followed the water type Pokemon. His friends just stared after him with shocked looks.

Brock: Y/N!

Misty: No!

Ivysaur: Ivysaur! (Y/N!)

Pikachu: Pikapi! (Y/N!)

Eevee: Eevee! (Y/N!)

With Y/N

Y/N swam as fast as he could, trying to catch up his Pokemon before they ended up in the ocean.

Y/N: Gyarados! Wake up!

But it didn't work. The water type was still unconscious.

After a while they did end up in the ocean. Luckily the currents stated to push Gyarados towards the beach. Y/N was helping by pushing him towards the beach. Although he was unsure that it was helping it at all. Considering that Gyarados is huge and weighs a lot. They eventually reached the shore. Gyarados was laying on the sand still unconscious. Y/N walked past it, dropped on his knees, fell on his back and lost consciousness.

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