Holy Matrimony!

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Y/N continues his journey with Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Eevee and one of their egg-cellent new companion. But our heroes are about to be caught in a treacherous web. The gang soon see a poster on a sign that reads, missing. It's a picture of a boy who looks awfully familiar.

Y/N: Hey, look! A poster. "Missing."

Misty: Is that...

Y/N: It looks like...

Brock: It can't be...

Y/N, Misty and Brock: James!

Y/N: Wow. It sure looks like James.

Then a limousine pulls up next to our heroes. An old man leans out of the window with a megaphone and shouts, while using the said megaphone.

???: Have you seen that boy in the photo?

Y/N: We have if he's James from Team Rocket. You know him by chance?

???: Jolly good eureka! Quick, to the estate!

Y/N: (thinking) Estate? What's going on here?

The man puts our heroes into the limousine as it drives off to the aforementioned estate. As soon as the limo pulls away, Team Rocket comes out of hiding. Jessie and Meowth look at the poster and see the resemblance between the boy in the photo and James.

Jessie: Hmm. This kid looks a lot like you.

James: You think so? He looks pathetic.

Meowth: That's what she means, James.

Jessie: Right! We better go investigate.

Meowth: Yeah!

Jessie and Meowth run ahead, but James doesn't follow. He just sighs, causing his teammates to back up.

Jessie: James!

Meowth: What you waiting for?!

James: Oh. I'll stay here.

Jessie and Meowth: No, you won't!

The duo grab James and follow the limo.


Meanwhile, our heroes are having tea and crumpets in the limo. The limo heads through the gates and down the road to the estate, amazing our heroes.

Y/N: Hey, mister. How much farther is this place?

???: We're almost at the end of the driveway.

Misty: Seems like we drove past the main gate about half an hour ago.

Y/N then looks out the window.

Y/N: Whoa!

Brock and Misty also look and are amazed at the size of the building that Y/N spotted.

Y/N: Look at that!

Misty: It's huge!

Brock: I've seen shopping malls smaller than this place.

Soon, the limo comes to a stop and our heroes exit. They are in awe of the mansion when they're close up.

Misty: It must have a hundred rooms!

Y/N: It's the biggest mansion I've ever seen!

???: That is not the mansion!

Our heroes cover their ears because of the man using the megaphone.

Y/N: (thinking) Why does this guy need a megaphone?!

???: This little doghouse is for Growlie, the favorite Pokemon of master James.

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