Abra and the Psychic Showdown

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After the quick visit to Lavender Town. Y/N and his friends continue their journey. As they pass through a dark and mysterious forest, it seems that danger lurks behind every shadow. And once again, they've lost their way.

Y/N: Misty, are you sure that this is the way to Saffron City?

Misty: Of course I am! I think?

Brock: I think that we're lost. Again.

Y/N: You know, we have gotten lost so many times that I shouldn't be surprised.

Ivysaur: Ivysaur. (True.)

Before they can look at the map, our heroes soon hear and see a little girl giggling and bouncing a ball. 

Y/N: Guys, look!

The girl just keeps giggling and bouncing her ball. She looks kinda creepy. 

Y/N: Uh, hello! Do you live around here?

The little girl takes her ball and runs into the forest. Y/N starts chasing the girl into the forest with our friends following him. 

Y/N: Wait! We need directions! Wait up...

Y/N keeps running until he he spots a cliff and almost falls off. 

Y/N: Wow! That was close!

Brock: Y/N, are you okay?!

Y/N: Yeah!

Misty: Hey! What about that little girl? Where'd she run off to?

Y/N: Beats me. But take a look over there.

Y/N points to the lights of a city, the Saffron City! They finally made it!

Misty: Oh, wow! It's beautiful!

Y/N: Saffron City.

Brock: Sabrina's the leader of the Saffron City gym. You defeat her, you win a Marsh badge.

Y/N: Yes! Look out, Sabrina! Here I come!


Our heroes soon reach the entrance to Saffron City.

Y/N: Now this is what I call a city!

Brock: Yeah.

Ivysaur: Ivysaur. (You don't say.)

Misty: Now let's go find that gym.

Y/N and Brock: Right!

They walk down the streets of Saffron City, looking for the gym. So far they haven't found it. They search the whole city and eventually find it. Or, at least they think that's the gym. It was in the park far away  from other buildings and it looked weird compared to other buildings. 

Y/N: So, that's Sabrina's gym.

A Jogging man who is jogging near by, hears Y/N talk. The man comes up to talk the kids. 

Jogging man: You've come to challenge Sabrina's gym, right?

Y/N: Uh, yeah.

Jogging man: If you're trying to enter the Pokemon League, young man, this is one gym I suggest you stay away from. 

Y/N: Huh? But why?

As he turns around, the jogger heads back into the city. 

Y/N: Where's he going?

The group just ignores him and walk towards the gym. They enter the gym but see nobody there. 

Y/N: Anyone here??

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