The Tower of Terror

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Y/N and his friends continue their journey to Saffron City. But first, they have to make a quick pit stop in Lavender Town for an unknown reason. As they pass through a forest the fog is starting to rise, making it really hard to see.

Y/N: The fog's coming in, and that's not good. We better be super careful, we gotta make sure we don't get separated.

Misty: Maybe this is an omen. Maybe we should go straight to Saffron City.

Brock: We've come too far! Everybody, let's hold hands and stay together.

Misty: Okay.

And she takes Y/N's hand.

Y/N: Right!

Brock however didn't have time to take Y/N's or Misty's hand and is walking behind them, trying to find them.

Brock: Hey, Y/N! Where are you?

Y/N: Up here!

Brock: What do you mean "here"?

Y/N: Right here!

Brock: Ah, there!

He finally catches up with them and takes Y/N's hand.

Misty: By the way, why do you wanna go to Lavender Town anyway?

Y/N: Well, Saffron City's gym leader is a psychic type trainer and psychic types are weak against ghost types. So I wanted to catch a one to have an advantage.

Misty and Brock nodded their heads as they now understood the reason.

Brock: Good thinking.

Time Skip

It didn't take them long to get out of the forest and our heroes soon arrive in Lavender Town. And just in time, the fog also fades away.

Y/N: There's Lavender Town! I'm glad we got here before it got dark.


By the time our heroes reach the Pokemon Tower, it had gotten dark. Though it was still the middle of the day!

Misty: Looks like it's always dark around this place.

Brock: This is the Pokemon Tower, where Ghost Pokemon hang out.

Y/N: I like what they've done with the place.

Misty: Okay, Y/N. It's time for you to show us what a great trainer you are!

Y/N: Huh?

Brock: We'll let you handle this one alone.

Y/N was speechless at what he heard.

Y/N: Hey, wait a minute! I thought you were gonna help me catch a ghost type?! What? Don't tell me you guys are afraid of ghost types?

Misty: I don't remember promising that!

Y/N notices that Misty and Brock stepped back. WAY back.

Brock: You know how to deal with fear, Y/N!

Y/N: Ha! Run away if you want to! I'm not scared of ghost types!

He then turns to his trusted starter.

Y/N: We got this, Right, Ivysaur?

Ivysaur: Ivysaur. (Yeah.)

Suddenly, they hear a three screams coming inside the tower, startling our heroes.

Misty: Horrible. It sounds really horrible in there.

Brock: You're right. They must have some kind of torture chamber in there.

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