A Place to Stay

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It was a very rainy day for us and I was busy putting jars underneath all of the spots that were leaking. Rapunzel was drawing in her sketchbook and Cassandra was sharpening her sword skills. I glared at Rapunzel's quill that was scratching her parchment and grabbed a piece of sage. I watched Cassandra toss up an apple and slice it multiple times. "Eight perfect slices. Ugh, Raps, do you mind?" Cassandra asked turning to Rapunzel who paid her almost no mind. "What?" Rapunzel asked and I rolled my eyes lighting the sage and blowing the flames out. Whistling made all of us look at each other and groan. "No please not again." I said face palming.

Cassandra and Rapunzel opened the window that led to the other half of the caravan. "Lance, please." Rapunzel said and I could see Eugene plucking his eyebrows. "Yes, please, the song is awful." Eugene said while rubbing his face. "Speaking of awful, I see you're looking at yourself again, pretty boy." Cassandra said with a smirk. "Well it beats looking at you. Besides, without proper brow maintenance, the smolder cannot work to full effect." Eugene said and I started waving the sage stick around the room. "If the effect you're going to is to make me nauseous, I'd say it's working perfectly." Cassandra said. "Well, it wasn't what I was going for, but since you are nauseated let's call it a happy accident." Eugene said and Lance started whistling again.

"Lance please stop with the whistling. I can't concentrate." I heard Varian say and I walked into the room with my sage stick and started wafting it around the room. "See that? Even the frog can't stand your whistling anymore." Eugene said and Lance glared down at Pascal. "Oh yeah? And what does the little greenie-weenie know about music? He doesn't even have ears." Lance said and Rapunzel went back to drawing making her quill scratch. "(Y/n) put that thing out! It smells horrible!" Cassandra said and I glanced between her and the sage stick before wafting the smoke towards her more. "And you with the scratching! What could you possibly be drawing in that journal now?" Cassandra asked before coughing and waving the smoke away from her.

Rapunzel slammed her journal shut and I moved the sage towards her. "Well, I would try to explain it, but you clearly know nothing about art." Rapunzel said and Varian spoke up. "Guys...dealing with some pretty reactive chemicals here. Keep it down." "Ugh, okay, that was mean. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, look. I know our little ticks are getting on each other's nerves because we are all stuck in here together. But on the bright side, we're all in here together. So let's just have some fun with it." Rapunzel said and Lance started whistling once more. I waved my sage stick towards Rapunzel and Lance and Rapunzel hit the top of her journal with her fist. "(Y/n), get that out of my face. And Lance, if you don't stop whistling, I will throttle you!" Rapunzel yelled and a small explosion was heard as well as an annoyed groan. I turned around to see Varian standing up from where he was working and throwing his goggles onto the desk and wiping his face off. "Peace and quiet is really too much to ask for with all of you." He said and I walked over with a small clothe to try and help him get the black marks off his face.

Suddenly the entire caravan halted and leaned to the side. Rapunzel went outside to see what had happened and I got the last of the black off of Varian's face. "Well, it's official. We are stuck." Rapunzel said and I placed Varian's goggles back onto his messy black and blue hair. "I guess we'll just have to wait out the storm in here." Cassandra said and Rapunzel looked through the window of the caravan. "Or maybe not." She said and Cass and I both looked to see what she was looking at. "Yeah that's a no from me." I said getting a bad feeling from the place. "Raps, I know what you're thinking, but that place creeps me out." Cassandra said and I was pulled away from the window by Eugene. "Hang on, I want to have a look." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I would have moved if you asked." I said rolling my eyes. "Could you be more annoying?" Cass said sarcastically and a smug look was placed on Eugene's face. "Hmm, let me see." He said before plucking Cassandra's hair out. "Haha! Would you look at that? I can be." Eugene said and I rolled my eyes. "You both are more immature than any of us." I said under my breath annoyed at the two. "Look, Raps, I can see where this is going. You're going to say something like, that she'll house looks like a warm, dry place. And then I say, let's not rush into anything. We should be careful-" Cassandra said and I was already dragged out with the others by Rapunzel.

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