Chapter 13: Interruptions

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Maya's point of view

As we walked into my office I shut the door and roughly pushed Carina into it. "Ouch bella, why so rough?" "Sorry baby i just got excited." I grabbed her wrists and put the above her head. "Maya do you like rough sex?" I paused and looked into her eyes. "I mean. Not particulrly, but some things yes." " like what?" She asked raising en eyebrow at me and reaching to kiss me. I kissed her hard against the door causing her to moan. I pulled back slightly leaving our faces close together, "handcuffs, light spanking.... That sort of thing. Nothing that leaves marks. But like hickeys and soft biting. Pulling my hair." I drifted off at the thought. Carina laughed and broke free from my grasp. She pushed me back until I was against my desk. "Bella, it sounds like you have some fantasies you have. I would love to try anything with you. But I have a fantasy of my own. I want everything off this desk and you sitting on it. I want to eat you out on my knees with you on this desk. Right. Now." I nodded and pushed everything off of my desk and gently setting my laptop off. She helped me up on to it and she grabbed unzipped and began to pull off my pants: she maintained eye contact the entire time and began to kiss up my thighs. I leaned back with my hands resting on the outer edge behind me and allowed my head to fall back. She took this as an opportunity to kiss up my neck and then met my lips. She gently chocked me but to apply pressure and not leave marks or hurt. "Oh my god carina. I didn't think you could get any sexier." She laughed and nipped at my ear gaining a loud moan from me. She unbuttoned and tossed my shirt aside and then took my bra off as well leaving me just in my underwear. She sucked on my breast and I could feel it would leave a slight bruise. It felt so good though, she listened and understood exactly what I wanted. I encouraged this with a high pitched noise. "Fuck maya, you're making me so wet." I wrapped my legs around her and began to grind on her slightly. She removed my legs and pulled my underwear down and threw them across the room. She took my waist and pulled it up to give her better access as she went down onto her knees slowly. She kissed up my thighs slowly and she skipped kissing my center by her nose grazed my clit. "Carina please." I begged as i searched for contact. "Please what. Be specific Bambina." I moaned her name, "carina. I want you to fuck me with your tongue. No fingers." "Mmmm a bit of a challenge. Accepted." She went to work slowly working her tongue in and out of me. As I got closer she would pick up the pace but bring me back down to slow. This was building up my orgasm so much. Right as I was reaching my climax, "fuck Carina, right there! Don't stop!" Then there was a knock at my door. "Um. Hold on!" "Fuck babe, hold on. Don't move." I grabbed sweats quickly and kissed her quickly as I went to answer the door. Carina was completely naked sitting in my chair now. I cracked the door slightly hoping to god I wasn't too loud. "Yes?" "Um... sorry to disturb you Captain, but the police chief is here asking to speak with you urgently." A luitenant said from our B team looking slightly embarrassed. "Thanks James. But I'm not even supposed to be here. I was a little drunk and didn't want to go home. So how does he know I'm here and what time is it even?!" "Captain I believe there is an emergency downtown and he couldn't reach your cell phone. And it's 1 am." "Thanks. Let him know I'll be down in 10 ready to be briefed." He nodded and went downstairs. Carina looked at me with sad eyes. "Don't look at me like that I can't help it. If there's an emergency you might get called in too." She walked over to me and kissed me with so much passion. "Maya, I respect you and your job. You have to take care of it. But later, I will finish taking care of you. I checked and I've been paged to be in ASAP. So I have to go as well. Be safe maya, I care about you so much." I kissed her again. "I care about you too. I will, go take care of all the mamas." She kissed me one more time before we both got dressed and went downstairs. I waved at carina as I went in to my meeting in the conference room. Thankfully there was coffee on the table and I was going to need that after already being awake for so long and the lingering alcohol. "Captain Bishop." "Chief Taylor." I replied shaking his hand. "Sorry to wake you at 1 in the morning and take you away from your girlfriend. I'll be quick so you can rally your team and take action:" "thank you chief." I didn't correct him because carina wasn't my girlfriend. But I wanted her to be. I need to change that as soon as I can. "Downtown there was a mass shooting. The media is all over it. So far we have confirmed 15 deceased, 20 injured, and the situation is not contained. He is threatening to kill more hostages and we have things maintained for now." "I'm sorry to hear that but what does this have to do with my team." "Well for 2 reasons. 1. There is a threat of a fire starting and 19 is the best. And 2. One of you're people is inside the building." My heart raced, "who? I have to know." "Andy Herrera." I had to stop the catch in my throat. "I know you're close and I trust this will lead you more. I would like your team down ready to get people out if a fire is to start in 20 at the longest. Bring b team as well. All hands in." "All hands out. Taken care of chief." I shook his hand and called the emergency phone of all my team. Everyone answered and I told them to get to the meeting point ASAP but didn't tell them Andy is inside. I need them there safely first. When we arrived everyone had coffee and when I pulled up in the engines they rushed over to get geared up. "A team, B team. Huddle up!" I shouted over the noise. "Hear is what's happening. Andy Herrera isn't out here with us because she is inside this building. There are now 15 deceased, 25 injured, and an unknown amount of hostages inside. Gunman is hurt and threatening to set fires. We will be prepared to contain and ONLY go in if there is a fire and we are to get hostages out. Am I understood?!" "Yes Captain!" "No one will die a hero today. No one runs inside without my call. To your posts! This is a police scene first, so be respectful." "Yes Captain!" They ran off and I sent carina a quick text before getting back to focus. 'Hey baby. Lots of people coming your way. I'm sure you heard.'

Immediately she texted back. 'Yes. Maya please be safe this is a scary situation.'

'Andy is inside.'

'Inside where?'

'The apartment with the gunman. She stopped for some reason. And she's inside as a hostage.'

'Dios mi maya. I'm so so sorry. Please don't be a hero Bambina. I need you to come back to me.'

'I won't and I'll be back in your arms soon.'


I put my phone away and got back in the game ready for whatever was to come.

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