Chapter 20: Girls's Night

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Carina's point of view

I could feel mayas breath begin to get heavier and more weight being put on me. I looked down and she had fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful and calm then. I let her sleep for a while and then turned us so she would be more comfortable. I wanted to clean up her place since it had been some time since she was home. I began to make lunch for when she woke up. Her meds will help her sleep a while so I decided to make lasagna. Some comfort food. I made a grocery list and sent Andy a text asking if she could pick some stuff up and come have a late lunch once maya was awake. 'Hey carina! I will grab that and come over. I would love to see you both! I'll bring some games, maya loves them and it will cheer her up. I'll bring Vic with me to have teams and have fun!' 'Perfecto, gratsi Andy! Let me know when you're here and I'll let you in. I don't want to wake her until she's rested." I went back to cooking and getting the house together. Andy let me know they were there and I let them in and told them maya was still asleep. "Thanks for having us over, I know she's going to need people so I'm happy you thought of us." Andy said. "Ladies, Andy loves you both and is struggling more than she says. To any of of really. Some fun and friends will do some good to help her feel normal. She's been asleep for 3 hours now, so she should be up soon and she can have more pain killers so she will be better. I'm going to go check on her now." I got up and went into her bedroom and she wasn't in bed. I saw the bathroom light was on so I knocked, "maya, are you in there?" "Yeah, you can come in." She was standing in front of the sink staring at it. "Baby what's wrong?" "I don't know how to wash my hand. It was hard enough going to the bathroom. At the hospital the nurse helped and I realized I don't know how to do this on my own." I laughed, "let me help. This is easy." I helped her wash her hand and kissed her. "Ready for some meds and a surprise?" She smirked, "a sexy surprise?" "Sorry, not this time. Let's do your meds and get dressed a little bit. Then you'll see." "I am dressed." "But I can see your nipples through that tank top and it's very fitted. I'm all about loving your body but I think you'll appreciate a hoodie." I helped her put a hoodie on and she followed me out into the living room.

Maya's point of view

I don't know why carina is being weird, but I'll do what she says and question it later. As I walked into the living room I saw Vic and Andy sitting on the couch. They got up to hug me and I was so confused. "What are you doing here?!" "We have tonight and tomorrow off, so we're here for free food and games." Vic replied. "And to see you of course." Andy added. We all laughed. "What's for dinner?" "Lasagna!" Carina said as she pulled the best smelling food I've ever smelled out of the oven. "Oh my god Babe that looks amazing." We all got a plate and sat to eat together. We laughed and talked about life. "Carina, this lasagna is almost better than sex."  I told her, "I take that as a challenge!" She replied causing me to blush and the others to laugh loudly. "What game should we play?" "Never have i ever?" Andy suggested. "What are we 12?" Vic said, but Carina and I were in so she was outnumbered there. "Alright, Vic. You're first." Andy said. "Ugh. Fine. Never have I ever slept with a woman." Carina and I put a finger down and she kissed me quickly. Andy went next, "okay, never have I ever joined the mile high club." Carina and Vic put a finger down. "Okay, spill. When was it, who, how was it?!" Andy said. Vic started, "it was a guy I knew from theater. We were dating and had to fly to los angelos for a play and well, we did it in the bathroom. It was okay. Not all it's hyped up to be honestly. Mostly just the thrill of getting caught." "Maya is it okay for me to share or I can pass." I thought for a second, "as long as I'm the best you've had share away. Just keep the specifics to a minimum please." "Oh you are. So it was actually with a flight attendant." "What?!!" We all said at the same time. "She was flirting with me and I was in first class so I had my own room. When she brought me a drink for "free" I kissed her and one thing led to another. I still fly that airline to Italy and see her sometimes but she's happily married with babies. So we just laugh about it." I could feel myself feel a little jealous even though I shouldn't. She put her hand on my thigh and whispered in my ear, "nothing will be anywhere near as good as when I'm with you baby." And she kissed my cheek.

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